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  1. P

    Craigslist Automation Question

    Is there an easy way to scrape CL emails and then automate a sales email to those scraped addresses?
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    George Zimmer calls War On Marijuana “Biggest Con Ever Perpetrated”

    » Mens Warehouse Calls War On Marijuana George Zimmer, founder of Men’s Wearhouse recently admitted to be a regular marijuana smoker, and called the plant’s prohibition, “the biggest con ever perpetrated.” During an interview with CNBC Zimmer sarcastically said, “I’ve been smoking marijuana on...
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    Open Web Analytics WP Plugin

    I used to have a VA that would install and configure OWA with my WP sites. He has moved on to bigger and better things (couldn't be happier for him). However, I can't get the two to mesh properly and its driving me crazy. I found a plugin that hasn't been updated in over two years. Is anyone...
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    Turkey Burger - Techniques (share yours)

    I am trying to stay away from Beef and eat it only in moderation. But I am craving a good burger. I tried ground turkey but I find the consistency too mushy for my tastes. Does anyone have any advice on getting ground turkey a little closer to the firmness of Beef? Recipes, Ideas etc?
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    Viable Service Offering(?) 6 hour English to Spanish Trans

    MODS: NOT AN ATTEMPT TO SELL just wanting feedback I was just wondering what the demand for an Rush TAT (6 hours or less) English to Spanish translation service would be? Send your PSD ad creative and have it translated by a native Spanish speaker with a American University Masters Degree in...