Search results

  1. C

    guru scam

    gang: watch this already? Bad Guru Scams wtf.. people keep falling into crap like that . :repuke:
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    Pop up in Adwords Landing Page -how he manage?

    hey guys: I came across this website called the guy bids on almost every biz opp/MLM related keywords on Adwords, for example: autosurfing, brad fallon review, 4daily, 4x made easy scam, brixdale etc etc nothing's wrong here. howevever, he has pop under and pop up in all...
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    Adwords Allowing Pop up

    hey there: No, the headline is not misleading. Although we all know that you are not allowed to put Pop up and pop exist at Adwords landing page, but apparently G allows some advertisers to do so. just for record, there's a site , which bid for many biz opps related...
  4. C sucks

    Lately I am testing water with article marketing so i decided to give a try. In case you don't know, provides article distribution service. For small fee they will mass submit your articles to articles directories. On their sales page, they mentioned it takes about 5-7...
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    Dad and daughter having baby together

    dear all: more details here: Father and daughter have baby together after 30-year separation | the Daily Mail :repuke: :repuke::repuke: i am feeling very sick now.
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    What language do u speak and write?

    discuss. I will start: Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, English.
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    What's your thoughts on this video?

    Fitna the movie scared the hell out of me since I am "non believer" living in a Muslim country.. hmm...
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    Copeac Ringtone Troubles..

    hey gang: wondering if anyone promoting Copeac flycell offer? I tested a new Adwords method on flycell ringtone which generate a nice ROI for me. I then set up couples other ad groups and directly link to flycell landing page. All my ads were in active mode however no impressions shown! I...
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    Google is dancing again - head up!

    check this out: Google outlines next quality score hit list The big G is dancing again, this time targetting :- data collection site (bye bye squeeze page); malware site ebook sites (yay!)yadda yadda yadda.... be prepared.
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    Niche Marketing on Crack

    OK so I've read Jon's latest blog entry, he said he will post about Rich Jerk & Niche Marketing on Crack. well basically Niche Marketing on Crack is a crappy ebook selling at $47. I can summarize the whole ebook as followed: 1. First you identify a niche, then you find hot products within...
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    Is Digg Down?

    hey folk: I have been trying to get into for the past 12 hours without success. I got this message "The connection has time out" hm.. it is just me or Digg? is digg down?
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    Article Writing Software

    Dear all: I am a reseller of an Article Writing Software. it is a software that allows you to choose a keywords, it then find the sub-keywords for you to choose, and pull snippets of articles that contain the keyword. it is a very solid research and writtting tool. I was able to write an...
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    Little Script for arbi-er...

    hi folks: Since many of you are doing arbi here, I thought I wanna share a little nice trick that can help to boost your CTR. Do you know about "adsense background"? it is a graphic that blend with your adsense ad. you can see the example here: Karen Cheng - Snippets of Life (this is not my...
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    The Death of Crap

    people: this is a good read (not by me): enjoy!
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    John Reese Pimping Secrets

    hey gang:: I thought it's funny: