Search results

  1. J


    I laughed when I saw that.
  2. J

    Regexp & PERL Newbie

    I'm a regexp and PERL newbie, and I'm making a site scrapper. So, I have this code: $agent->{content} =~ m!<b>UD\: </b>\s+?(\w+?)</td>!; I'm trying to scrape the 1.98-SE out the following: <td> <b>UD: </b> 1.98-SE </td> What have I done wrong? I'm pretty sure once I see how it's done...
  3. J

    Learn about your PC with Judy

  4. J

    String Cheese

    String Cheese is the shit. I especially like the Mozzarella.
  5. J

    Contract of Wifely Expectations

    Sicko Marriage Contract One For The Ages - February 17, 2006 He gets very specific.
  6. J


    How I hate them. :mad:
  7. J

    Office Space - The Thriller
  8. J

    Mod_rewrite Question

    I want to change URLs like to with mod_rewrite. I want to change all uppercase letters to lowercase. I would like to 301 the old to the new. Thanks. :338:
  9. J

    Cool Sig Banners?

    Where are you guys getting those cool banners? Like Mouse User, Porn User, Wicked Fire user etc.?
  10. J

    Before you die

    What would you like to do before you are interred in the earth? I would like to go on a whaling expedition.
  11. J

    Don't go looking for random sex on craigslist...

    or you might pwned. I saw this on reddit: Summary: This guy wrote a post on the Seattle Craigslist casual encounters forum pretending to be a woman who desperately wanted some action, and (s)he received over 180 responses within 24 hours...
  12. J

    Beef Jerky

    is the shit. Agree? If you disagree :321:
  13. J

    Funny Videos

    I found these two funny (NSFW) Spong Bong Hemp pants What are some other good ones?
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    Best slam

    What's the greatest put down phrase eva? I like sidekick's "up yours and rotate it", but it's not the best ever.
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    Post your desktop

    Take a screenshot and shows us what you got.
  16. J

    I hate...

    list one thing you hate and why. I hate those small toliets that people have. The people that have them are usually bigger than me and I can't fucking sit on those tinny ass seats (when I need to take a dump). Get a regular sized toliet you clowns! :action-smiley-052:
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    MC Hawking

    Stephen Hawking does gangsta rap. lol.
  18. J

    It is fucking hot outside

    Yesterday the heat index got into the hundreds and the real temp was 96. Today it's more of the same at 95. How hot is it where you live?
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    The worst logos ever

    Look at these two, they are pretty funny. Logo for Instituto de Estudos Orientais Logo for some Pediatric center From:
  20. J

    So Site5 sucks

    Let me preface this by saying I’ve been one of the masses singing praises for Site5 - they have great reliability, the support is nice, lalala. No more. It so happens that my reseller account has been hacked, and so have the accounts of others on the same server. In the Site5 forums the...