Search results

  1. C

    Yahoo Responds To My Complaints

    So last month I expressed my disappointment with Yahoo Panama. To sum up my point of view, Yahoo has failed to address the core problem with Yahoo's Sponsored Search, which is their editorial process. Their are some other issues, but the fundamental issue is their editorial process. So here...
  2. C

    Bush Is Drinking Again!

    I'm not a Bush basher at all, but this was way too funny not to post:
  3. C

    Negative Rep For Cursing?

    Somebody negative rep'd me for language. WTF? Judging fromt the overall "forum culture" here and by the cool icons, using the F-bomb isn't exactly unusual here. Someone needs to lighten up.
  4. C

    Online Degree Lead Programs

    Anyone here involved with online degree leads? I've been wanting to get going in this market for awhile, but I haven't been able to find something that offers a private labeled solution. Any recommendations?