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    Bottle to the head

    YouTube - Rays fan takes a bottle to the head. World Series 08
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    Anyone test Firefox Minefield yet?

    Minefield Start Page Anyone tested out the alpha version yet? It is supposed to be pretty damn fast. Think Firefox 3 is fast? Try Firefox Minefield | The Open Road - The Business and Politics of Open Source by Matt Asay - CNET News New Firefox JavaScript engine is faster than Chrome's V8
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    Worth sending a DMCA to Dreamhost?

    Some guy's website being hosted on Dreamhost is copying my content verbatim, pictures and everything. I was going to send a DMCA, but wanted to check here and see if anyone has sent one to Dreamhost before? Just wondering if it is worth my time or if they are one of those hosts that don't give...
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    OJ Simpson guilty on all counts

    The verdict was just read live, OJ Simpson was found Guilty on all Armed Robbery and Kidnapping charges. It sounds like it is very likely he could spend the rest of his life in jail.
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    Wordpress Previous Entries problems

    Ok, just ran into a problem that I never knew I was experiencing. On one of my wordpress sites, if I navigate to a category page and scroll down to the link that says "previous entries" it goes to a broken link. I know for a fact I have about 50 posts in this category (which is only displaying...
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    Datapresser - pissing off the interwebz

    Datapresser is d(ata)epressing - Download Squad I'm curious how much all the "bad" press is driving up the subscriptions.
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    Enjoy Books? Any recommendations?

    So every year in San Francisco they have, what is called, the Big Book Sale. It is the largest book sale on the west coast, like over 50,000 books or something like that. Friends of the San Francisco Public Library - big book sale I enjoy expanding on my recently started library even though I...
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    [WTS] regged at (free push to your Domainsite account) created on 11/05/2007 Yahoo showing 184 backlinks Paypal only. PM offers please.
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    bob's game Guy put 15,000 hours over 5 years into making his own 2d adventure game. Pretty much learned everything from scratch. Designed every pixeled, recorded every sound, and programmed every thing himself. What's cool is his game picked up a lot of hype and he is now in...
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    Easy way to make a niche search engine

    I may be a little slow with this, but after looking at Wikooglepedia, I was reminded of a site I stumbled across the other day. I am a baseball fan, I have my favorite teams, but really just a fan of the game because I played it all my life through college. There are a bunch of hardcore stat...
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    ??? for BitTorrent Users

    Awhile back some BitTorrent client came out where, if you wanted to, you could leave this client running while it scanned multiple torrent sites week after week and it would automatically download the most recent episodes of your favorite tv shows at the highest quality. However, I didn't...
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    Anyone else been ripped off by Hazzan?

    Has anyone else been ripped off by Hazzan lately? Long story short (but I'll prolly turn it into a short story long), he did an article writing job for me and it turned out great. He asked me if I had any more for him and I said I prolly would when I get back from vacation (this was back in...
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    Don Frye vs. Yoshihiro Takiyama

    I don't watch too much MMA, but I love watching this fight. Who needs defense when you can just stop every punch with your face Be sure to watch it to the end and see what Takiyama's face looks like. <object width="425" height="344"> <embed...
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    Bigger Stronger Faster* The Side Effects of Being American

    Since there is a supplement thread going on, I figured there might be some interest in this to some members here. If you haven't seen it all ready, then I would highly recommend checking out Bigger Stronger Faster* *The Side Effects of Being American. It can be found on torrent sites now if it...
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    Total Mindfuck

    Have any of you tried these Graples? They are Apples that taste like Grapes. Talk about a mindfuck. My tongue is telling me grapes, but my eyes are showing me apples.
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    Firefox problem that I can't seem to shake

    Been using my Mac for like a month straight, so the other day I decided to boot up my pc for the first time in a while. Started messing around with some of my apps and these apps pull html files within the program. For instance, Comment Kahuna displays the HTML files within itself. However...
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    Checking domain history

    Is there any other tools besides and to check the history of a domain name. I just registered a domain name yesterday for a new site. Just for the helluvit I checked the links in yahoo and was surprised to see it had 3 backlinks already. Well upon looking in it...
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    Looking for Wordpress Theme Designer

    I am looking for a custom wordpress theme for my personal training/sports performance business. I have my logo already, but I am having a really tough time finding a theme with the feel I am going for. The structure of the theme would be fairly simple. A header, main content area, and a...
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    Propeller share this story automator?

    I have been using Propeller a lot lately and getting to the front page of couple of times (which isn't too hard on Propeller ), but the tedious part is sharing the story with all my friends. They only allow you to share with 5 people at a time, so sharing with a whole friends list takes too...
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    Megan Fox Topless

    Hollywoodtuna » Blog Archive » Megan Fox Topless! unfortunately, her nipples are covered, but still looks smokin.