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  1. R

    Looking for some Google Docs spreadsheet help

    I'm pretty retarded when it comes to spreadsheets, so this is probably pretty simple, but I can't figure it out. I've exported some exact match google keyword reports to CSV and imported them in Google Docs. I'm looking to format all the cells and remove the brackets around the keywords...
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    Sick Submitter anyone?

    Anyone been using it? Good or bad? I keep seeing it mentioned every now and then. I could be way off base, but it seems to be a poor man's xrumer. That's just basing it off what I read on the official website. Anyone have some knowledge about it besides what the official website says?
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    This Is How a Heavy Storm Looks Inside a Cruise Liner

    This Is How a Heavy Storm Looks Inside a Cruise Liner I'm surprised more passengers weren't injured.
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    Anyone use an Ikea Fredrik desk?

    In need of a new desk, and most desks I come across don't fit in the space I have. I keep finding 60" desks, but I only have about 56" of space to work with. I came across the Ikea Fredrik Desk; it fits in the space I have and would accommodate my dual 24" monitors with plenty of work surface...
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    Just saw this on Hacker News. It's basically like open source, collaborative scraping. Welcome | ScraperWiki About | ScraperWiki
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    phpMyAdmin - Setting user privileges so I can delete database

    I'm trying to delete some databases through phpMyAdmin, but it won't let me. There is no option for me to DROP the database, I can only drop tables within the database. Now I would think that because it is my server and I log in as Admin that it would let me delete a whole database, but it...
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    Provigil - This shit sounds awesome

    Was reading a bit through that Instant Focus thread, and then saw this on Hacker News ( I think yesterday) My experiment with smart drugs : Johann Hari Anyone use Provigil here?
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    What the hell - 550 permission denied on random directory

    I was using the Global Translator plugin on a wordpress site of mine, but decided it wasn't worth and deactivated it. Leftover from the plugin was the "gt-cache" folder which is where it caches all the posts in different languages. Since I'm not using the plugin anymore I wanted to delete this...
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    DirectAdmin - Bundling up a sold wordpress site

    I'm selling a wordpress based site, and trying to figure out how to bundle it up in DirectAdmin and transfer it to the buyer. However, every single tutorial I find on this process deals with cPanel. I've tried backing it up, but it is on the same user account as like 8 other websites. When I...
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    Fake - UBot for Mac OS X?

    Saw this on Hacker News. Haven't played with it at all, but looks promising. I doubt it is a UBot for Mac OS X, but looks like it could definitely be beneficial for Mac web automation. Fake - Mac OS X Web Browser Automation and Webapp Testing Made Simple. Just downloaded it and will play...
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    Another retarded domain with hypens question

    There is a 4 keyword term that I would like to rank #1 for. It looks like my big competition will be The keyword is something along the lines of "keyword keyword coupon code". The .com is taken, but doesn't rank for shit and only has like 2 backlinks going to it. I don't...
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    A unique request

    I'm pretty sure we got some people living in Japan on this forum (although I could be wrong), but was wondering if any of you know of any good streaming sites for NPB games? I looked at some of the more popular sites (justin, livestream, and ustream) and it seemed like ustream was the only site...
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    Anyone set up revsharing on Wordpress?

    A few of my wordpress sites are becoming too time consuming to maintain with the latest news and topics on their respective niches while also continuing to promote them and build backlinks. Doing those things on my websites all while working my regular job is causing both to suffer. I thought...
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    Project Euler

    Thought some of you coders and math lovers might enjoy this. I just stumbled upon it recently. I've only done the first problem so far. Even though it was easy, it is cool to look at how other people arrived at the solution in different languages, and how many lines of code it took them...
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    Best way to manipulate an online flash game?

    I have a couple of sites that are centered around specific online games for kids. One of these games has a bot/trainer that allows players to dick around within the game. It allows them to do stuff for shits and giggles on the client side, make their character do stuff they normally couldn't...
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    Affiliate Ad Solutions | Publisher Ad Solutions | AdMedia Anyone have any experience with They e-mailed me out of the blue to see if there was "a possible business opportunity between our two companies". According to the email they "are very confident that we can outbid what you...
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    Tool that checks URLs for RSS Feeds?

    Basically, I am looking for a tool that allows me to input URL/list of URLs and see if the URL has RSS feed(s) associated with it. Example: I input and it gives me all of's RSS feeds. Does a tool like this exist?
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    Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online

    Just saw that EA released an online version of Tiger Woods PGA Tour. I just played about 9 holes and it ran pretty smooth. Single Player, Multiplayer, Free and Paid options, and probably a bunch of other stuff I have yet to explore. If you are looking for a quick golf game fix, then this...
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    Dvorak anyone?

    Anyone fuck around with the Dvorak keyboard layout? I was reading up on it today, and was thinking about switching one of my other keyboards around to Dvorak just to mess around. Anyone strictly use Dvorak? Anyone fuck around with the one hand layouts like in this picture?
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    Best VNC software?

    I'm looking to log in to my desktop via my netbook while at work. Anyone have any recommendations for VNC software? Preferably free. Was looking at this one, but don't know if it is any good - TightVNC: VNC-Compatible Free Remote Control Software