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  1. MyOwnDemon

    House of Leaves

    I just got done reading House of Leaves. Amazing book. One of the best I've ever read. Has anyone else read it? If not - definitely pick up a copy. It's worth it. :)
  2. MyOwnDemon

    How did he do this? Explain it. I can't.

    I'm interested to hear any theories on this. If you have an attention span of two minutes, watch this video from start to finish. Then, try to explain how he did it. I have no idea.... <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie"...
  3. MyOwnDemon

    Buying a new desktop, suggestions?

    So, I think it's time for me to retire this computer and get a new one. I need something fast with alot of power so it's good for design work... but I'm not interested in all the little gadgets, add-ons, and port stuff. Definitely not a tech guy here. Just something practical and affordable...
  4. MyOwnDemon

    Don't Tase Me Bro - The Video Game

    Yes! It's about time! :D <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"...
  5. MyOwnDemon

    Best Top Referrer Plugin for Wordpress?

    I have a video site running on Wordpress that is getting a decent amount of traffic and I want to put a Top Referrer List on my site like alot of the bigger entertainment sites do, so that I can send reciprocal traffic back out to people sending me the most hits. I searched around, but can't...
  6. MyOwnDemon

    How many five year olds could you take in a fight?

    Saw this on Digg and thought it was funny. I took the test and it said I could take on 21. Hahaha. I think I could probably take on more than that. How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?
  7. MyOwnDemon

    What font does eharmony use in their logo?

    Does anybody know what font eharmony uses in their logo? I'm in the middle of some design work and it's driving me insane trying to match this font. Thanks. :rasta:
  8. MyOwnDemon

    Get Higher Paying Adsense Clicks

    I'm sure a lot of you guys might be aware of this tactic, but some of the noobs here might not know about it. In your adsense control panel, there is an option for Competitive Ad Filter. Click it and add the following list of known MFA sites. I found this on some guy's blog and used it to...
  9. MyOwnDemon

    Everyday Normal Guy Rap Song... haha, awesome.

    These lyrics are hilarious. :) This guy needs an album. I'd buy it. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" height="388" width="464"> <embed flashvars="key=c4a43aff11" allowfullscreen="true" quality="high"...
  10. MyOwnDemon

    Best 2girls1cup reaction EVER

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425"...
  11. MyOwnDemon

    Neverblue Tracking Issues?

    Is anybody else having tracking problems with Neverblue? I wrote my AM a few days ago about it, but I think due to the holiday, I won't get a reply until Monday. So, until then... is anyone else experiencing problems or am I alone here? I had suspicions that their tracking was off due a recent...
  12. MyOwnDemon

    Don't be that guy - Internet Stereotypes

    This article is so damn right. Don't Be That Guy Article on
  13. MyOwnDemon

    A giant talking penis, soap dropping, and even more fun when you click here.

    Well, here it is. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"...
  14. MyOwnDemon

    The Most Tragic Headline Ever (haha)

    Saw this on gorillamask. Wow, look at all the tragedy packed into that one headline: Pit Bulls Kill Miniature Horse Donated To Cancer-Stricken Child - San Antonio News Story - KSAT San Antonio
  15. MyOwnDemon

    Gweeds - Clear your PM box

    Gweeds, got your PM and tried responding, but I couldn't because your PM box is full. If you want to email me instead: chase [at] mindofchase [dot] com Thanks.
  16. MyOwnDemon

    Thank You, Slaves.

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425"...
  17. MyOwnDemon

    Passing a variable to merchant's form using HTML?

    Okay, I'm trying pass ONE variable to a merchant's form using HTML. In the merchant's form there is a field for "Reffered by" and I want my ID to be automatically filled in when the user clicks over from my site to the merchant site. How would I code something like that? Here's what was...
  18. MyOwnDemon

    Okay, which one of you guys did this?

    So, I was doing some work just now and I was looking at this Quit Smoking advertisement and the ad said: "Aren't you tired of having your life controlled by a little fag?" That's probably some of the greatest advertising and play on words I've ever seen in an ad. I have a feeling someone at...
  19. MyOwnDemon

    My-Friend-John-What-Kicked-All-Ass (AMAZING story)

    This is an amazing story that really moved me. It's from ubersite, but I'm posting it here so you guys can read it w/o having to follow a link offsite. I am not the author. Here's the original link: -------------- "My-Friend-John-What-Kicked-All-Ass" I write...
  20. MyOwnDemon

    Another Unclaimed Ringtone LP - $40

    Here's another unclaimed Ringtone LP that someone ordered a few weeks ago and have not claimed or paid for yet. So, it's up for grabs. $40, comes as is. No edits. Payment via paypal. Post SOLD in this thread, and it's yours. This time, I am selling 3 copies. First 3 people to post SOLD get it.