Search results

  1. MyOwnDemon

    What are you allergic to?

    What a fucking night. The other day I noticed a small rash on my leg but didn't really think much of it. Then I woke up today with an itchy rash covering most of my body. I went straight to the ER in a panic. Doc said it looked like an allergic reaction to something, but he wasn't quite sure...
  2. MyOwnDemon

    It's fake.

    YouTube - Microsoft's Marketing Stunt Goes Viral (MegaWoosh)
  3. MyOwnDemon

    Meteor Shower Tonight

    Anybody going to watch the meteor shower tonight? Just saw this on Yahoo news and it looks pretty interesting. Maybe it's just the inner nerd in me, but I think it's sah-weet. Strong Meteor Shower Expected Tonight - Yahoo! News
  4. MyOwnDemon

    Sizzlin Hot Landing Page Summer Sale - $50 Custom Landing Pages!

    Hey guys, running a summer special on landing pages. I'm offering special discounted prices to all Wickedfire members now through August 15th. The prices are as follows: Landing Page - $50 Review Landing Page (content included!) - $85 All landing pages come fully coded in HTML/CSS, with short...
  5. MyOwnDemon

    ISP said they're shutting me off!

    Okay, so last week I made that thread about my internet running slow. I had a tech come out here, they found no problems. Today I got a letter from my ISP saying "... we have received complaints of unnacceptable use from your high speed data service from your IP address. This activity has been...
  6. MyOwnDemon

    Internet slow as hell, sites hacked. Can anyone help??

    Where do I begin... Last week I noticed my internet connection had slowed to a crawl. I get time out errors, sites don't load, etc. It takes forever to load anything and I am getting extremely frustrated. I ran anti-spyware programs, etc. Nothing was found. So, I called my ISP and they reset my...
  7. MyOwnDemon

    Gamers: Any Cheap Ventrilo Servers?

    It's no secret I love my online gaming. Does anyone know of any cheap/affordable Ventrilo Servers for my friends and I? Looking to get a server for a year or more. I need something reliable with loads of uptime. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. :)
  8. MyOwnDemon

    Custom Landing Pages - $50 Spring Sale, landing pages discounted through May 15th!

    Hey guys and gals, I'm offering a special sale on custom landing pages to WF members through the month of April and up until May 15th. Business has been kind of slow lately so I am trying to attract some new customers and generate some business. This offer is available to all current clients as...
  9. MyOwnDemon

    I am a med student

    I was on Yahoo Answers this morning just looking at random questions and answers. It makes me laugh to see what some of these people write as advice. I found this one rather high-larious. The "Source" is the best part.
  10. MyOwnDemon

    Dream Machine

    First a little history: Dreamachine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Now, feel free to try it: Remember to close your eyes and let it play for a few minutes. Enjoy the results. (Don't play this around children. Not because it's NSFW but just...
  11. MyOwnDemon

    Landing Pages - $65

    Hey guys, my old thread was locked (got busy and forgot to bump it), but you can still read it here and see the positive feedback from WF members: I'm open for more landing page orders from WF members. Send me a...
  12. MyOwnDemon

    What kind of spyware or virus is this? Do I have to reinstall windows?

    So a few days ago I noticed a huge slowdown in my computer, so I load up task manager and find cmd.exe and services.exe are all running about 50 times each, and they keep multiplying until my computer crashes. I've taken a screenshot. No antivirus/antispyware programs are finding anything at...
  13. MyOwnDemon

    Attack on LOLCITY

    I lol'd.
  14. MyOwnDemon

    Photograph - a Nickelback cover.

    Hahaha, this is fucking awesome. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" height="360" width="480"> </object>See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
  15. MyOwnDemon

    Happy Birthday Productionhead, ya fuckin fuck.

    ^ They ate your cake. Have a good one dude. :rasta:
  16. MyOwnDemon

    Confused by this SEO Problem

    I consider myself to be fairly good with SEO, but this has me absolutely scratching my head in confusion. I have a wordpress site I built a while back for a video game that is being released in a couple months. I own (nameofgame).net. I was ranking for the name of the game in the SERPs...
  17. MyOwnDemon

    Baby born with penis on it's back

    Baby boy born with penis on back in China | Penis on back | The Sun |HomePage|News
  18. MyOwnDemon

    Who wants FREE traffic?

    Hey guys, Okay. Here's the deal. I have a network of entertainment sites which do about 250k pageviews and almost 90,000 uniques monthly. I am considering selling advertising space on this network of sites. I am looking for ONE person who wants a 2 week FREE trial run. Your banner will appear...
  19. MyOwnDemon

    Hacked! Need help ASAP.

    Hey guys, Some fuckers keep hacking my server over and over again. I don't even how they're getting in or what I'm looking for. They keep replacing all my index files with their own index file which displays a "Hacked By" page. They apparently got root access somehow, because they're going one...
  20. MyOwnDemon

    From CNN - Drunk Darth Vader Assaults Jedi Leaders

    Hahaha, this is so ridiculous. Drunk 'Darth Vader' assaults 'Jedi leaders' -