Search results

  1. ImagesAndWords

    Getting a new dedicated server. Pros and cons of 64-bit OS?

    Hey people, I'm getting a new dedicated server this week, mainly to migrate over my Prosper202 install for tracking. Some specs; - Intel Core i5 quad core - 4 GB Ram - CentOS 5 I guess I'm mainly wondering if there's any reason I should not go for the 64-bit CentOS to run this with Prosper202...
  2. ImagesAndWords

    Awesome animated short film; PIXELS

    Really well made, and tons of references to old-school 8-bit games; YouTube - PIXELS
  3. ImagesAndWords

    E-whoring taken to the next level. Play online games with webcam rent-a-bimbos..

    GameCrush | GameCrush Spices Up Online Gaming Note that "other users" are paid, female "attractive" players hired to flirt with gamers to extend the session as long as possible. I'm sure thousands of lonely and desperate schmucks will gladly fork out the cash for this service though. Imagine...
  4. ImagesAndWords

    Girl expecting proposal on live radio gets dumped (and pwned for cheating)

    Sorry if this one's been posted already.. Payback is a bitch, biotch: - Woody and Rizzuto (1057 The Point) - Dude Dumps Cheating Girlfriend ON AIR! (skip to about 6:13 into the clip for the best part). From tears of joy to tears of disbelief. Pwned.
  5. ImagesAndWords

    Quick Javascript question

    Ok, so I'm trying to do something basic (I thought) with Javascript for a LP I made. I'm trying to add an Aweber lightbox popover to the page, but instead of it popping up automatically - I want the form to only pop over when the user clicks a button (and not one of those generic "input" type...
  6. ImagesAndWords

    Looking for adult YouTube-like video hosting

    I'm looking for a video site where I can; - upload and host adult video clips free of charge - get embed links to these videos and embed them on my own sites Yeah, I'm a cheap fucker. Hey - video bandwidth gets expensive fast! :) So in essence, I need to do what I can do with YouTube videos...
  7. ImagesAndWords

    New year, New $$$.. Looking for motivational movies

    Inspired by this thread on motivational books, I thought it would be nice to check out some movies as well. I think we had a monies-movies thread a long time ago but I couldn't find it through a search, and besides - new movies have come since then. An obvious one is Wall Street, but I also...
  8. ImagesAndWords

    Arts and crafts from HELL

    Not long ago, we had some good laughs with PeopleOfWalmart. Now, there's another blog collecting the weirdest shit to make you bring in the ROFL copter. Ever heard of the site It's a marketplace for people buying and selling handmade arts and crafts. My wife sometimes shops there for...
  9. ImagesAndWords

    Four fucked up harddrives, what are the odds?

    For a few years now, my main desktop pc has been running fine with 7 harddrives inside it (yes, I know now that I should have kept them separate in an NAS configuration of some sort). They're all SATA drives btw. This summer though, my drives started acting up. Drive letters would come and go...
  10. ImagesAndWords

    Fuckin' hackers shit on my tracking server again

    I'm pretty pissed.. Two weeks ago, some asshat hackers thought it would be cool to inject all the "index.php" files of my Prosper202 server with cialis and viagra spam html code. I realized this after a full night's worth of running, and lost a chunk of revenue when all my traffic went...
  11. ImagesAndWords

    No more targeting by sexual orientation for European Facebook Ads demographics

    How gay is this? Facebook Ads Will No Longer Target Gays in Europe | Carnal San Francisco
  12. ImagesAndWords

    Woman on trial for raping...another woman.

    Ok, so a while back I found this gem of a story: :) I just had to post again when I found this in the news: Woman, 32, found guilty of raping woman - The Local So ladies - what would you do if you...
  13. ImagesAndWords

    The Smallest Penis contest

    These guys are proud to go public in a contest to see who has the SMALLEST penis....and boy I think it would be hard (pun intended) to pick a winner :D The Tube - Watchersweb - Smallest Penis Contest (no worries, the link is guaranteed dickroll free, simply because these guys couldn't spin...
  14. ImagesAndWords

    Complete Fail: Woman does DIY plastic lip surgery with bottle of lube

    Just when you thought people couldn't get any dumber.... Wow. Just wow. Woman Uses Lube Instead of Medical Silicone for DIY Plastic Surgery | Carnal San Francisco Alright aff. networks, bring on the DIY plastic surgery kit offers. Imma use this video on my landing page :D
  15. ImagesAndWords

    Woman on trial for raping 10 men

    Russian woman on trial for raping 10 men / Why is this a crime? :338: I lol'ed at this:
  16. ImagesAndWords

    Super-annoying "404 Page Not Found" error when saving Wordpress posts

    Wordpress on my blog has become a real pain in the ass lately. I've been slow to upgrade, so I've had 2.1 for a while. I figured my problem was because of this, so yesterday I upgraded to 2.7. Nope, same thing: When I'm writing/editing posts and go to save them as a draft, I often get this...
  17. ImagesAndWords

    Stats don't lie...WF members are ballers.

    AdHustler blogged about some interesting affiliate stats gathered by Shawn Collins and Missy Ward since ASW. I had to lol when I saw these two charts from their report... Just think about it... are those same 17% a coincidence? I think not. :D :D
  18. ImagesAndWords

    It's friday - Free (short-lived) niche idea for y'all

    My apologies in advance if I'm "outing" anyone's "secret niche idea" here, but seriously - it doesn't take much to figure this one out. It's all about the timing - and the time for this one is now. So quit your whining and get your campaigns loaded up... Alright...It's friday and I'm in a good...
  19. ImagesAndWords

    Script or tool needed: Multiple file, Multiple string - Search and Replace

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a script or utility that is capable of some advanced search and replace work based on a list of search/replace values. To explain what I mean; - I have a two-column file (csv or txt) containing strings in a format like this: aaaaa, bbbbb ccccc, ddddd eeeee, fffff...
  20. ImagesAndWords

    Proposed new TLD seems suitable for WF

    Someone finally caught on. The only appropriate TLD for a gay webmaster forum: A Gay Idea: dotGAY as a New Top-Level Domain | Carnal San Francisco