Search results

  1. nachoninja

    I just opened a Scottrade account - what should I buy?

    Diversifying some dollars - what are your hot leads? I'll take every response seriously - this is the internet after all :338:
  2. nachoninja

    Network Solutions - are you fucking kidding me

    On their home page who falls for this shit?
  3. nachoninja

    Azoogle just got owned

    Copeac just sent out their referral program email right after Azoogle sent out theirs: 2% for life, no minimum account balance
  4. nachoninja

    Calacanis on policing the web

    <object height="240" width="320"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="" height="240" width="320"></object> Discuss
  5. nachoninja

    CorrectAd loves the Airzooka?

    ThinkGeek :: Megazooka :: Action Shots Don't even try to tell us that's not you...
  6. nachoninja

    60 second lightning round - ask my dog anything

  7. nachoninja

    Snow storm traffic in Minneapolis

    Having a little snow storm today and this is what traffic looks like in the metro area right now - :mad:
  8. nachoninja

    2K Posts - wet t-shirts

  9. nachoninja

    Makes me want to punch M$ Vista in the jaw

    Just slapped in 4GB's of memory because thats the maximum the system can handle, but oh wait - Vista 32bit can only handle 3GB... WTF My dog is not happy
  10. nachoninja

    Wiki software?

    Looking for a decent wiki software package - main interest is to have lots of images on the article pages. anyone have a suggestion?
  11. nachoninja

    Googles Offensive Search Results

    jew - Google Search Google runs AdWords explaining their stance: Google: An explanation of our search results Never seen this before, any other words trigger this?
  12. nachoninja

    Nacho's hot tip of the day

    Look at Googles homepage Luciano Pavarotti Only 2 advertisers go go go
  13. nachoninja

    How do you do this? Gradient with background image blended

    I can't find a tutorial anywhere, and need to recreate this for several colors. Notice how the diagonal lines fade away at the bottom.
  14. nachoninja

    Dylan supports WF's paid subscription idea

    <object width="528" height="400"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="bgcolor" value="#AD1A22"></param><param name="flashvars" value="messageID=RZ02-69F3-80ZY-GJG0-P552&embedID=1987&"></param><embed...
  15. nachoninja

    Google updates landing page guidlines, Zip/Email/Arbitrage players, get in here

    Business Models to Avoid The following website types will be penalized with low landing page quality scores. If we receive complaints about ads for websites of this kind, they will not be allowed to continue running. Data collection sites that offer free items, etc., in order to collect private...
  16. nachoninja

    Instant boss

    For those that stray away from working and surfing WF a little too much: App's Apps - Instant Boss
  17. nachoninja

    Instant fame - internet mockery

    Pretty good spoof<object height="350" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="350" width="425"></object>
  18. nachoninja

    Minnesota Toe Licker Nabbed

    Minnesota Toe Licker Nabbed - September 11, 2007 C'mon ladies who wouldn't want this man licking your little toes?