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  1. (O_o)

    Piwik Analytics Community Survey 2017 If you use Piwik pls take the time to fill out this survey and shit. It helps the community. :321:
  2. (O_o)

    ( o Y o )

  3. (O_o)

    Our target audience

  4. (O_o)

    Google AdSense spying

    Google Adsense Spying
  5. (O_o)

    Spamming Tinder

    How-to 101: 1. Create a bunch of bot profiles complete with multiple profile images and a description. 2. Wait for guys to swipe right on profile. Then your bot sends them a phone number and message. "Heya {profile name}! I'm new in town and kinda bored. You free tomorrow? idk about today. txt...
  6. (O_o)

    .htaccess examples

    just sharing this bc I thought some could find it useful. Feel free to add any you think others could use! Rewrite a domain alias to subfolder of target site: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/subdomain/.*...
  7. (O_o)

    All US Home Depots hacked.

    If you have been to Home Depot in the past ~6 months, I would suggest you have your debit or CC card canceled and reissued. You can goto Just a...
  8. (O_o)

    TIL that some companies and developers use humans.txt (lol)
  9. (O_o)

    Hack Back

    Ever heard of FinFisher? No? A really great doc that was posted online 7 days ago. Thought I would share. #HTP Doc: 40 gig torrent For you crackers
  10. (O_o) has been down all day #fail - Their summer interns must be fucking shit up like no0bs.
  11. (O_o)

    FBI MoneyPak Lander

    hxxp:// (still live) lelz @ this. Smells like some .ru friends behind it. The script and code behind it are sorta cool. Thought I would share and archive this here on WF. I bet a lot of stupid ppl fall for this sadly. Looks like they are paying for PPC ads and then...
  12. (O_o)

    Malaysian Airlines Boing777 Shot Down Near Shakhtersk Donetsk oblast Ukraine

    280+ passengers and crew dead. BREAKING Malaysian Airlines Boing777 Shot Down Near Shakhtersk Donetsk oblast Ukraine,July17 - YouTube
  13. (O_o)

    Large FB page owners [Question] Algo shift//update?

    Have any of you seen a surge in organic FB likes to your pages? While FB reach has reached new levels of sucking dick, its still an interesting update imo I have a fan page that has been sitting pretty dormant until this past month when it gained 20k new Likes, all free, organically. Gaining...
  14. (O_o)

    Great ad. Using internet fame//memes [Video]

    OVERLY ATTACHED GIRLFRIEND FINDS NEW CAR. AND IT COULD BE YOURS. - YouTube I totally salute this chick for making the most of her internet fame. I think in the future we will see more and more companies using famous things from the internet in their ads.
  15. (O_o)

    Internet Trends in 2014 Great read and some good info. Mobile is teh future bros.:2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1: :cool-smiley-008:
  16. (O_o)

    The . gmail trick

    Hear ye, hear ye. Let it known that some basic knowledge is below. ----------------------------------------------------- You can use periods(not the girl kind) in your email address to use your account as multiple different addresses. ie. =
  17. (O_o)

    Anyone remember the guy on here selling Donation box widget links?

    If that was you or you remember the person doing those types of backlinks. PM a nurga! </CoolStoryBro> :arcadefreak::arcadefreak::arcadefreak::arcadefreak::arcadefreak:
  18. (O_o)

    Weev Is Free

    Weev Is Free | TechCrunch Andrew “weev” Auernheimer is set to be released from federal prison, following a federal appeals court decision to reverse and vacate his conviction and sentence. “I’m going to prison for arithmetic,” Weev declared last March. Shortly after, he was incarcerated in the...
  19. (O_o)

    Have a high traffic website? Hate the NSA? Add this code for 24 hrs to your website :thefinger:
  20. (O_o)

    any Ukraine webmasters here?

    What are your opinions of whats going on in Kiev and other places at the moment? Watched a bunch of videos on Youtube and Liveleak. Stay safe! for the curious: Ukraine Protesters Fill Kiev, Topple Lenin Statue - YouTube 13 - Berkut trooper shooting at Euromaidan activist in...