Search results

  1. VinSVT

    Best Blogging Script?

    Whats everyones opinions?
  2. VinSVT

    Total Posts: 500 (224.95 posts per day)

    I'm seriously a post whore... Maybe I need to leave the computer more? :D
  3. VinSVT

    Sitemaps? Yes or no?

    A lot of people saying that they are causing problems with google? Anyone have any hard evidence of this?
  4. VinSVT

    Retargeting... anyone used it?

    Just curious... seems like everytime I go to statcounter and I'm checking my stats this is always there. Its quite interesting... just curious if anyone has actually used it?
  5. VinSVT

    Think you could handle biggers av's?

    80x80 is small... a lot of people use 140x140.
  6. VinSVT

    Finding an av that is 80x80 is not easy.

    At least for me... :( Most websites I post on are like 140x140.
  7. VinSVT

    Switzerland vs Ukraine

    Hmmm... I'll take Switzer. Anyone else?
  8. VinSVT

    Anyone using Google Video Ads from Adsense?

    They are offering them now... I hear they are somewhat rare to show up... anyone have any news on them?
  9. VinSVT

    A list of Ad Networks

    Figured it would be nice to have them all in one place... always will let newbies know what each kind is. CPC: Cost per click - the cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through. Google Adsense Yahoo Publisher Network (Beta) Chitika BidClix BannerBoxes Adbrite AdSonar Clicksor Searchfeed...
  10. VinSVT

    Anyone been invited to YPN recently?

    Just curious.. I've applied with a site or two, no luck yet. I've heard rumors about them not accepting forum/arcade based websites... said they had to many? Anyone put any fact to this rumor? And I dont know if I should of used "accepted" or "invited" in the thread title... hope you know...
  11. VinSVT

    Portugal vs Netherlands

    Starting right now! England pulled off a nice win before... I'm taking Portugal for this one!
  12. VinSVT

    Whats your avergae $ per Click

    With Adsense and YPN?
  13. VinSVT

    Search Timer?

    I know the forum is not big yet, but in due time you might want to add one...
  14. VinSVT

    Interested in starting your own forum?

    MySQL/PHP: Invision Power Board - MercuryBoard - OpenBB - Phorum - phpBB - PunBB - vBulletin - UBB.threads -...
  15. VinSVT

    Interested in Ruby?

    Not many are... its rare... but for anyone that is interested, heres some great links. Learn to Program (By Chris Pine) Getting started with Ruby Ruby Installer Wiki Ruby Home Page Ruby Community/Wiki Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide Ruby Cookbook Ruby XML
  16. VinSVT

    Tutorial for JS... Beginner and Advanced.

    Two great Tutorials... the first being beginners and the later being for advanced users.
  17. VinSVT

    Anyone use ASP or want to learn?

    Here are some great links to either help you out with ASP or get you started on it... LearnASP ASP Today ASP Zone ASP101 TotalASP ASP FAQs ASP Programmers resourceEnjoy!
  18. VinSVT

    Different Color Layouts?

    Maybe offer some different color layouts? Light/Dim/Dark? I dont mind this to much... but to be honest I perfer a lighter background with dark text. Just maybe something to add in later down the road to let users change the website to make them more comfortable here.
  19. VinSVT

    Dreamhost Promo Code

    If you plan on buying anything from anytime soon make sure in the checkout you use the Promo Code: 777. It will give you a pretty sick discount.
  20. VinSVT

    Interested in starting an Arcade/Game based site?

    Seems when a lot of people start off they think an arcade/game based site will work well for them. I'm currently playing around with one and really enjoying it. I feel its great for learning. Anyways, just thought I would post a few of the scripts out there that you can purchase! I personally...