Search results

  1. mGrunin

    How do I fix my computer?

    My knowledge when it comes to the technical aspects of a computer is limited. Wondering if anyone can help me with my current problem. So about one month ago I caught some nasty virus on my computer. It was disabling several programs from working on my computer, and often times redirected my...
  2. mGrunin

    Who to invest with?

    I'm interested in getting into the stock market, but I cannot decide on what company I should use to help me trade. The popular ones I've seen were: etrade, scottrade, sharebuilder and tdameritrade. For any of you that have been trading, can you please recommend what site I should use. Would...
  3. mGrunin

    Experience with Prosper202?

    If you are experienced with Prosper202 and are capable of developing addons for it, please PM me. Looking for someone to develop several addons.
  4. mGrunin

    I found Eleah!

    Much love. <3
  5. mGrunin

    Need very loud annoying sounds!

    Does anyone know where I can grab or buy very loud annoying sounds. I need files that will blow someone's brains out when played. Appreciate the help.
  6. mGrunin

    Buying ASE Silver Pass!

    Looks like I should have purchased the pass earlier since registration is now closed. If anyone is not going to the show anymore and is holding onto the pass, let me know if you want to sell it to me. PM me with the offer.
  7. mGrunin

    Xbox 360 Kills Gamer

    Xbox addict 'dies from blood clot' - Video Games Blog Plugged In - Yahoo! Games
  8. mGrunin

    iPhone Apps. Any success?

    In the last few weeks I've had a lot of interest towards developing iPhone apps in hopes of getting one as a "hit". At this point I'm already discussing the project with mobile app developers and I hope to get things moving asap. That being said, I would like to know if anyone else on...
  9. mGrunin

    Design for a Pizza Shop

    Hey! Close friend of mine that owns a pizzeria asked me to help him get a website up and running for his business. So here I am. I need a designer that has had some experience designing for a eatery. The way I see it, the site will only be 1 or 2 pages. Looking to have the menu on the main...
  10. mGrunin

    C&D from Facebook...

    Just got a nice surprise in my inbox about 45 minutes ago: Perkins Coie Inc representing Facebook sent me a Cease and Desist on all Facebook services. I'm being accused off: - Displaying ads with pornographic content from my personal account. - Purchasing another ad account and displaying...
  11. mGrunin

    Buying US Private Proxies

    Anyone selling US Proxies? I need unique ones and not shared by anyone. Need to be fresh. If anyone knows where I can buy them, would be great also. Thanks.
  12. mGrunin

    What's lilwayne doing fighting?

    YouTube - This is why you dont show off ( in a fight ) Skip to 30 seconds in.
  13. mGrunin

    Breaking News: History was made today!

    Yo boy mcgrunin has finally shaved his milk stache for the first time. Observe:
  14. mGrunin

    Got Jazzed?

    Any networks carry the Jazzed Dating offer direct? As far as I can see, only NeverBlue has it, and I already ran into problems with them. Not a big fan of them in the first place too. Please hit me up if you want some extra $$ coming your way.
  15. mGrunin

    NEED: Girl Games

    Does any network have a few female related games? Specifically cooking games. Hit me up please.
  16. mGrunin

    Been HAD no banners!

    I need banners created in the following sizes: 428x60 125x125 600x600 728x90 300x250 120x600 If the quality is good, I'll use you regularly for my banners. Thanks. P.S - My current designer seemed to have died?
  17. mGrunin

    Apple Strikes Again

    White iPhone Kit Could Land Queens Teen in Jail Fei Lam, a high school senior and gadget geek from Queens, managed to make the right friends at Foxconn, the company that manufactures the iPhone for Apple. While the Cupertino crew can't seem to get the white model out the door, Lam apparently...
  18. mGrunin

    Speed My Shit Up

    I have ZenCart running on one of my sites, and it takes 5-6 seconds for the site to load. I need it down to 2 seconds max. Need someone to put it on steroids. PM me for the link drop.
  19. mGrunin

    Different type of pre-order..

    Armed Robbers Steal Call of Duty: Black Ops from Gamestop | RipTen Videogame Blog Guess some people couldn't wait the extra 2 days.
  20. mGrunin

    Opinion on Men Rings

    I recall in another thread where a couple members posted pictures of their rings. Recently I found a ring that I like, and was wondering what others have thought of their ring, and on what finger do they normally wear it on? This is the one I was planning on buying: