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  1. M

    Moving to Dedicated Server - Need Help

    hey wickedfire guys i need your help. theres cliffs notes at the bottom but i currently manage 4 seperate shared hosting acounts and i am looking to move to dedicated hosting. main reason being, i received horrendous service when trying to get my site back online after they blocked it for...
  2. M

    my 4L domain site

    check it out and let me know what you think ZFAW
  3. M

    I need a wordpress theme fix. Will paypal $15.

    I am running the pulp theme on one of my blogs and i need some help with a fix for the comment page. the theme can be downloaded here the issue is that the comment boxes do not appear in line and the comment form is always out of whack. you will have to...
  4. M

    my top affiliate network...

    does not have a contact telephone number, has not responded to an e-mail in 3 hours and my affiliate manager has not been online in 2 days. i guess i just realized how unprofessional some affiliate networks are. i am trying to figure out when i will be paid next because the time they told me...
  5. M

    My First Blog

    Well i just created my first blog a couple day ago. I was wondering what you guys though about it? There are only a few posts and they are pretty much random/videos. I wasn't really sure what to write about so I've just been making random posts that interest me. Will people look at this? I...