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  1. T

    Model with Shoe on head

    :banana_sml:Was bored today.. so some Anon's and I convinced this Model she was a racist and the only way to forgiveness was to make a video saying she was "DERP".. which we soon convinced her, meant "not racist"... Derp hurrrr durrrrrrrrr... Also, she needed to place a shoe on her head...
  2. T

    Image Copyrights and LP's

    So for a while now I've been pushing ringtone's using song samples ( mp3's I own) with artist pics for LPs... I'm wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of possible legal issues I might have here... Again, I purchased copies of these mp3's and can prove that in court of law... I'm...
  3. T

    Google : More Lawsuits.

    I was just reading an article about how the big G is filing more lawsuits against a company pushing work-at-home courses using the google trademark on flogs and fake news pages. "The names of the kits include "The Home Business Kit for Google," "Google StartUp Kit" and "Google Adwork" among...