Search results

  1. trakstar

    Anyone know of any GOOD Online Media Storage Backup affiliate programs?

    Just looking for a basic program that offers a good affiliate payout and good quality service. online backup media storage program. Anybody know of any?
  2. trakstar

    Recommend me some good Affiliate/Internet Marketing books

    Not E-Books but just regular books. I'm overwhelmed with boredom sitting at that cubicle all day. Instead of reading magazines all day I'd like to read books that pertaining to what I want do. So I wanted to get some recommendations on good reads for books that pertain to IM, AM, sales copy...
  3. trakstar

    Link building question

    Thank God for this newbie section otherwise I'd be getting flamed on this one. I finally got website up with only one page of content though. I'm gonna add a page every other day. So from what I've read on getting your site to rank, you to build backlinks. From what I understand that will...
  4. trakstar

    Can someone point me to good plugin that will post my affiliate links on my WP site

    I'm not sure if this type of plugin exist but I'll try to describe what I'm looking for. Let's say that I have a Dog niche site. This site will promote many different offers such as dog collars, dog training books, dog supplements etc... For each different page I want to be able to have...
  5. trakstar

    Awesome FREE WP themes that you can use for your affiliate site!

    I had been scratching my head trying to get a good free theme for my site and I came across this. I have already put up my first website with one of these themes. One of the great things about many these themes is that they have banner spaces set up. This by far is the best resource of WP...
  6. trakstar

    Looking to get an entry level computer support job

    I made a thread about getting an Seo job and ended up scratching the idea. Instead I figured I would just focus on getting into IT or Computer Tech Support. For anyone who has or is currently working in one of these fields, how can I get my foot in the door. I have no work experience in these...
  7. trakstar

    I'm looking for an Internet Marketing job(Please help)

    Well with the decrease in income at the Magazine Telemarketing workplace, it's time for me to seek other employment. I figured that if I am to work for another person, then I might as well work in a field that I'm interested in. (Lord knows I'm tired of staring a clock every 5 minutes) I...
  8. trakstar

    33 clicks and no sales. Should I kill the ad?

    Kind of new at this.(Well I'm very familiar with IM but just inexperienced) I 'm running an ad (via PPC direct linking) for underwear that make your but look bigger. Basically I stole a Facebook profile pic of voluptuous woman and wrote the following ads: Ad1: I wasn't born with it But...
  9. trakstar

    A couple of keyword questions

    I'm about to set up a blog/site for a CPA offer and I am trying to get passed the keyword research phase so here is where my confusion lies. 1) How many keywords should I use? I'm getting into a "guy gets girl" type niche there are hundreds of keywords that I could use. Should I only...
  10. trakstar

    If you only had 5 months to make it in this

    I may get flamed for this but hey that's life. This question is mainly for the vets here who may or may not have been in this type of situation. So let's say that with it being Feb you want to quit your job by June and you need to be able to support yourself enough to atleast quit your day...
  11. trakstar

    Wp Affiliate Guide (Would anyone recomend it)

    Disclaimer for the Flamers Yes I am a fuck ass stoopid Newb. Get over it, eat a dick, and go drink some bleach or something. Now on to my question. I tried PPC with POF and Facebook but have had little success and I can no longer spend rent money on it. Following the advice of a couple of...
  12. trakstar

    What do yall think about this guy's campaign

    I FAIL AT LIFE! You can find videos of me here
  13. trakstar

    Poll Control Question

    Alright so I just purchased that poll control script from and I am stumped as to how to go about installing this thing. Can anyone point me to some type of tutorial? I have a host and domain already.
  14. trakstar

    Why all the hate for Newbies?

    In alot of the post I see people hating on newbies and I was just wondering why. There are so many things to grasp in the game and it seems to change everyday. I assume that most of you on here were wet behing the ears at some point right? Let the hate begin
  15. trakstar

    Using a Squidoo lens as a landing page

    I need some help guys. I have no money for web hosting for a landing page and I have a product(s) that I wanna promote. I was thinking about just creating a Squidoo lens about the product and writing some articles linking to the page. Then maybe I can do some ppc with it later. What do ya'll think