Search results

  1. R

    Looking For Link Partners

    I control about 90 domains spread across 14 different IP addresses and am looking for some link swapping partners - obviously not reciprocal link exchanges though. Most of the sites are database driven directory sites (financing, builders, lawyers, pet stores etc), varying degree of pages...
  2. R

    Unique IP's and Affiliate Landing Pages

    Anyone have any thoughts/experience on how many unique ip address you need pointing to an affiliate landing page to make sure it ranks well for a long tail search terms (say 3 to 5 word text anchors) on non competitive niches thanks for the input and the insults
  3. R

    Php Script Autogenerator for SQL

    anyone got any good sources for a php script generator. have way too much data to get up on the web
  4. R

    php Content Site Generation

    I'm looking for a php script that will generate cascading/ hierarchically organized sites from an SQL database Josh
  5. R

    total dweeb/noob MySQL question

    just learning my way around MySQL. trying to do a small database upload. basically i punching in a few lines manually, downloaded it and am now trying to re upload it, but i get this Attempting this through cpanel and Mysql admin QL query: LOAD DATA INFILE...
  6. R

    Landing Page Feedback

    would love some feedback on two landing pages we have set up for affiliates to send traffic to. Clear Shoe Boxes - Store|Organize|Protect - Your Shoes and Clear Sneaker Storage Boxes by Shoe Stor Dont just tell me they suck..........tell me how they suck :) Josh