Search results

  1. K

    Just venting

    Hey guys Been absent for a long time from the crew, got back reading today and just needed to vent a bit. Discovered i was suffering from depression. Coudnt sleep or eat or leave the house. Coudnt follow tru with all what ive learned in the forum and put anything up. Coudnt see any shit i...
  2. K

    Brazilian Boobies

    Little treat from down south, brazilian actress boobies!
  3. K

    The saga begins, Wordpress MU questions

    Hello wickedfireans, after my introduction post containing many fucks and assrats (ok no boobies, i promise some on the next there) ive read the forums here and eli+jon blogs till my brain gave up on me, and now ill apply the most important lesson of FUCKING DO SOMETHING. So to start it and stop...
  4. K

    Just a hi from Brazil!

    Hello everyone! Its a pleasure to finally be part of an affiliate community and it seems i just picked the best one to start with hehe. My name is Carlos i am 25 years old and i am from Brazil. I have a background of working as a slave at the IBM branch in Brazil and then 3 years on domaining...