Search results

  1. Premier Plugins

    Wordpress & Forum Integration... How?

    Looking to integrate a forum under a wordpress platform. An example of what I mean can be found at one of my favorite sites, Lynn Terry's ClickNewz: ClickNewz! Internet Marketing Blog - Her wordpress site - Her vbulletin platform I'm curious how to achieve...
  2. Premier Plugins

    HostGator Mysql issues... ugh. Any help?

    Getting this fun error while trying to install a yummy piece of software: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'mememe_mrkt1'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/mememe/public_html/marketplace/install/index.php on line 214 The database...
  3. Premier Plugins

    Need more plugins to sell!

    Curious if anyone here can recommend some top quality plugins to do affiliate sales for? Thanks!