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    Pulse360 just fucked up... reveals advertiser's email addresses

    Did u receive the email 3 minutes ago from Addesa? BAHAHA! I'm selling those leads baby!
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    wtf plimus has been down for days!

    is it working for anyone else?
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    Who's this Milf at the Facebook Townhall?

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    What's Amit Mehta doing these days?

    Anybody knows? Haven't heard from him for a long time!
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    how to extract emails?

    Hey guys i got tons of customer's emails in my gmail INBOX (not Address book) i wanna extract those emails and put them in an excel file. is there a quick way to do so?
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    Did LiquidWeb just go down?

    Liquid Fuckin' Web keeps going down... according to my downtime monitoring tool... Time to Switch Webhost...
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    Does anyone know in which part of the dynamic URL I should append this... &artist=The+Beatles&title=Revolution Here's the dynamic URL for yr reference... www. tracklead. net/click.track?CID=xxxxxx&AFID=xxxxx&ADID=xxxxxx&SID= TIA!
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    Got a BIG list that converts?

    If anyone of you have got a BIG list that converts and you accept solo ads, let me know as I'm willing to pay you the average of how much you make per mailing (need some proof though). Looking for people who can send upwards of 5,000 clicks per mailing.
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    where to get cheap custom LPs done?

    creating LPs has been a HUGE disability for me. but i'm not willing to shell out like $197 just to get a LP made, only to find that it doesnt convert. so does anyone know anywhere i can get my LPs built affordably?
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    How to charge a client for managing his FB campaign?

    What is the typical practice of agencies when charging a client for running his FB campaign? Flat fee, % spend, etc... ?
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    Any reviews about this network?
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    prosper202 huge clicks discrepancy in Overview & Visitors tabs

    hey guys, i've got something puzzling happening on my prosper202 under the Overviews tab, i selected "All Clicks" and it showed 6 clicks but in the Visitors tab, after selecting "All Clicks", i'm seeing 41 CLICKS instead! what's going on?
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    Suggestions for Prosper202

    1. Add a "reset" button to reset any stats we do not want. Helps to prevent data from being skewed. 2. Add IP blocking feature 3. Give a quick snapshot of countries where traffic came from, type of browser, other essential info... <...the above are pretty much everything that StatsCounter...
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    why is my prosper202 subid not showing up in network stats?

    I'm using EWA Network... Any idea as to where the problem might be?
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    10% discount off Yahoo Search ad spend

    Hey guys, I've got an exclusive deal with Yahoo that entitles me to a 10% discount off my Yahoo Search campaigns ad spend. This will work only for 2 months from the month that you signed up for this discount (this deal expires by the end of Oct) This qualifies only for US accounts with an...
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    Prosper202 Faulty Tracking! (Lost hundreds in a day!)

    Ok, basically I'm using the Prosper202 1.3.2 version, not sure if that would affect the tracking, but I sent 700 clicks to my site with Prosper202 on and Prosper202 captured only 200 of those clicks! As a result, I lost couple hundreds in a day because I was testing out a new lander and would...
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    pussy attack

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    Whoever owns must be BALLIN' outta control cashing in on the misspelling of isn't Facebook taking legal action or something?? the site looks quite similar to FB's...
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    Wolf Storm Media

    Has anybody checked out Jeremiah's WSM? How did you find it? Any reviews?
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    Boobs from asia

    [IMG] Fapfapfap