Search results

  1. M

    Can you just copy your competitors' inlinks?

    My competition for an affiliate "review" site I just made take up the top 3-4 google results. I checked their links with Yahoo Site Explorer and each of them has between 30-60 inlinks, but the thing is, the majority of them are just random comments posted on blogs. Like they will have picked a...
  2. M

    does this count as white text on white background?

    I've heard google penalizes for that. Ok, say I have white text (CSS) and my background is white, but at one point I have some white text that is over top of a dark blue background image. So the background is white and the text is white, but the white text is over a dark IMAGE so it's visible...
  3. M

    Should you use different google analytics accounts for different sites?

    I just had this thought. Maybe I'm being a bit too tinfoil hat here, but if someone was running a lot of affiliate sites, would it necessarily be a good idea to track them all from the same google analytics account? Seems like google might see what you're up to, and if one of your sites gets...
  4. M

    Stupid noob question: how do I "apply rel-nofollow to all affiliate links"?

    Is this still considered good practice? I just read that in order to get indexed with affiliate links you have to do this, but the article was from 2007 so is it still valid?
  5. M

    will i be considered a thin affiliate if all my links are on one page?

    say you have a site with some affiliate links but they're all on a homepage rather than on individual pages. As long as the page has content on it besides the links (such as product pictures and descriptions), are you in any danger of being labeled a "thin affiliate"? edit - if it matters, all...
  6. M

    Does affiliate id matter? (also, boobs)

    do you just put your name, or your callsign or handle or something? does it matter? i was just thinking like people might be less likely to click on an affiliate link if part of the URL said like "wellhung69" or "killerviper" than if it said something ambiguous. Or doesn't it matter at all...
  7. M

    two sites or one? monetizing

    I have two niche keyword .com domains. I plan to affiliate market with one of them (a review site). I was thinking about developing the other one (providing content and data) and adding google ads to it. Would that be better, or should I just do the one and put google ads on the same one that...
  8. M

    Adsense and prescription drugs

    Alright I know according to the terms and conditions adsense is not allowed on pages that "sell or promote prescription drugs." Ok, if you do an adwords search for any prescription drug you will find a lot of results, so there ARE adword ads for prescription drugs. So what happens if you...
  9. M

    value for domains like [popular thing]

    where [popular thing] is a heavily searched, very popular affiliate marketing product?
  10. M

    Adsense question and a boob pic

    Since google seems to only let each person have one adsense account, there's no problem with putting the same account on a ton of different websites, is there? Even if the websites are about totally different things, like pottery, aviation, and drugs? I just want to make sure this is ok cuz I...
  11. M

    Questions about filling out my first Affiliate contract

    So I've registered my domain and I'm about to fill out the form to become an affiliate, but I have some questions. 1. I just registered my site so traffic is zero. They want to know how much traffic I'm getting. I've been told that I should lie and give a high number so they'll accept me...
  12. M

    Say I owned www.[mycity] what's the best way to proceed?

    List restaurants? Write reviews (keeping in mind I'd be competing with yelp and the like)? SEO it and then park it? SEO it and then get local restaurants to pay me to include them? Also question 2: in my other noob thread, some of my replies showed up immediately, and other's said "pending...
  13. M

    Hi. I'm a noob. Is this basically how I make an Affiliate Marketing site?

    I've spent the last few days reading a lot of threads here (and accidentally clicking a few meatspin links wtf) Alright, so theoretically, what I do is: - Register a domain and get hosting - Join companies' Affiliate Marketing programs - Write summaries of their products along with the...