Search results

  1. R

    Finding out keyword prices on Google Adwords

    I have an adwords account and one active campaign. I want to start a new campaign for a different offer, but want to work out how much (approx) it will cost me per click to appear at different positions in the paid search results. Does google have a tool that lets me do this? If so, where is it?
  2. R

    Commission Junction - Getting approved by advertisers?

    Hi, I just started on commission junction 2 weeks ago. It seems like all the advertisers on there either spend ages reviewing my application to host their ads (and haven't accepted it yet) or reject them (some companies auto reject my requests, wtf?). What can I do to get accepted more often...
  3. R

    Good CTR for Google Adwords

    Hi, I'm just wondering what people would consider a decent CTR% on a google adwords ad. Obviously this will depend on many factors, but generally speaking what's a good %? Thanks in advance.
  4. R

    I don't see how AM w/ PPC could possibly make money

    I posted on here a week or so ago saying that I wanted to get into AM, but only had $300 / month to throw at it (plus any revenue from previous months). People said I should start out with low payout lead generation (leads paying ~$5 a time). So I've signed up to Commission Junction. Most lead...
  5. R

    How to decide on keywords

    I've now got a VPS up and running with prosper, and signed up to some offers on Commission Junction, and I'm just about to create my first landing page. I will then create a campaign on Microsoft Adcentre. To do this I need keywords. What I want to know now, is how to I go about choosing my...
  6. R

    Commision Junction... any good?

    Hi, I'm new to AM, and just signed up to Commission Junction, because some other networks refused my application. What are your thoughts on Commision Junction, and are there better networks for a noob to sign up to?
  7. R

    PPC Vouchers

    Someone in another thread mentioned PPC vouchers. Where might I go about finding these? Would these be offers from the search engine / PPC themselves to encourage me to sign up, or would I buy these from third parties? Thanks.
  8. R

    Minimum worthwhile monthly PPC spend for beginner?

    So I've decided to take the plunge into affiliate marketing. I want to use PPC advertising, but don't have all that much cash at the moment. What's the smallest monthly spend where by I can see enough results to see where I'm going wrong, and try out a few different affiliate offers? I was...