Search results

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    .org/.info EMD for product keywords (high OCI) - yes or no?

    Does anyone have any experience with ranking .info EMDs for product related terms (high OCI)? How do they do compared to .coms? Do you think it would be better to get the .biz and try to rank that instead of the .org or .info, since that is a more "commercial" TLD, or does it not matter at all?
  2. A

    Hyphenated .com or non-hyphen .net/.org?

    Hi everyone, I am new to the scene, and I wanted to pick your brains about choosing an exact match domain (EMD). The .com EMD is taken for this keyword I would like to target, and I have the option to get the .org, .net or the hyphenated .com. Which one should I go for? It is going to be a...