Search results

  1. pjk

    HasOffers has terrible support

    I just wanted to share an experience I had with HasOffers. They have the 30 day free-trial offer, which I signed up for a month ago. When you fill out your credit card, they say if you don't cancel in 30 days, it will bill you. I logged in a couple times to play with the platform, but didn't...
  2. pjk

    Anyone in or near Leeds, UK?

    Anyone affiliate marketers in or near Leeds, England, UK? If so, we should have a small meetup. PM me if interested.
  3. pjk

    Auto-resubmit of Adcenter ads

    Does anyone have a script to auto resubmit adcenters ads if they are denied?
  4. pjk

    Problems Uploading Images to MySpace

    Anyone else have problems uploading custom ads or images to MySpace? I'm on Mac OSX Leopard, and have tried in Firefox 3 and Safari. When I click Upload A New Ad, and then it says "Please be patient. Your ad is being uploaded", it stays at 0%, even after 5 minutes. To get around this, I've...
  5. pjk

    Tracking Ads with PHP Redirect

    Quick question: I am setting up a php redirect to an offer (directly), and I want to be able to track various ads and how each converted. How can I do this? Thanks in advance.
  6. pjk

    Azoogle Weekend Contact?

    Is it possible to get a pixel placed on the weekend at Azoogle? Can I please get the contact for who I can contact to do so? Thanks in advance.
  7. pjk

    Myspace Ad Upload Freezing

    Anyone experience a problem uploading a custom ad to Myspace? It always goes to 50% at "Uploading resource..." and then just sits there and does nothing. I've tried in both Safari and Firefox and have the same problem. Here is a screenshot of where it freezes. Any ideas on how to fix this...
  8. pjk

    Deleting and resubmitting Facebook Ads

    I have noticed that when an ad gets denied, sometimes there will be an "Edit and Resubmit" link, and sometimes there will not, depending on what the "violation" was. Do you guys know an easy way to resubmit ads without having to fill in everything each time? Also, is there a way to delete ads...
  9. pjk

    Azoogle Sub-IDs and Google Adwords Question

    I an running a campaign right now promoting an offer specific to Canada, with my Adwords campaign targeting only Canada. I am using direct linking for this particular campaign with a destination URL of this: When I go to my SubID reports in Azoogle, I see many clicks with the...
  10. pjk

    Question in regards to a landing page

    I have a question about a landing page with respect to direct linking. 1) When you do direct linking, the direct link goes to what is called a "landing page", correct? 2) With Adwords, one of the things I have noticed is this in regards to an ad showing: I understand that a custom landing...
  11. pjk

    Adsense vs. Affiliate Marketing

    I have many websites, all of them using Adsense, and am making a decent amount of money. Everyone is hiked up about affiliate marketing these days. I want to give it a shot, but this is the problem I see: With adsense, I make money if someone simply clicks the ad. With affiliate marketing, I...
  12. pjk

    What type of affiliate marketing should I shoot towards?

    I run a forum about speedsolving any type of puzzle, and it gets around 810 uniques a day avg from all over the world (only about half of visits are from the US). I want to try something other than Adsense, so what type of affiliate marketing should I try? I've tried affiliating with the...