Search results

  1. Stylemangi

    Adwords & Affiliate Links - Query

    I've been doing the google Adwords professional course to bone up my knowledge of Adwords before trying some more ppc adn I came across the following comment re Affiliate Links: "We allow affiliates to use AdWords advertising. Please note that we will only allow one ad for affiliates and parent...
  2. Stylemangi

    How to get around Google?

    Does anyone have an idea about how to get around Google serving me adverts for my specific geography based on my ip address? I am trying to research the adverts that are appearing for specific key word searches to see who my competition is and as I am in Australia, any searches I do, even from...
  3. Stylemangi

    Site Feedback Please!

    Hi Guys, I'd appreciate any feedback/advice from more experienced practitioners about my first arbitrage adsense site. - Niche is on a brand of designer jeans that gets good search traffic and has a decent number of advertisers and bid prices I am pushing...
  4. Stylemangi

    AZOOGLE Query

    Hi Fellas, I've got a query regarding joinging up with Azoogle. I'm working on a couple of sites at the moment but I'd rather be working on something that I know there are advertisers in Azoogle for. Will Azoogle look at my sites and then accept me/reject me based on the match between my...
  5. Stylemangi

    Google Cash - Any Good?

    Came across this e-book today? Does anyone know if it is any good or does it fall under one of Jon's "watch out for this crap" e-books?
  6. Stylemangi

    Identifying Good Niches - Please help

    Hi, I'm keen to get some feedback from those who have done this before to see if I am on the right track. I have been researching a variety of niches for opportunities to develop a network of sites for monetisation purposes. I think I have identified a niche which I think has good search...