Search results

  1. S

    Converting relative to absolute links in PHP

    Okay. I'm scraping some stuff in php; sometimes links are in a relative format (e.g. "/logout") rather than absolute ( There's a PECL extension that merges these and gives you an absolute address, but I need something a little more lightweight. i.e. just the...
  2. S

    eBay refunds and 'as is' items. What would you do?

    I sold some camera gear on eBay recently and the buyer is claiming it's not working properly (Specifically, it's an old Canon FD prime lens that apparently doesn't focus properly). He hasn't asked for a refund yet, but I can see it coming. I know how I'd like to be treated if I were the buyer...
  3. S

    survey findings re attention to ads

    This might fit better in the 'traffic' section, but would probably be of more interest here. Some interesting research done about the 'online audience' came through my feeds. The methodology is seriously questionable (in my opinion... but WF isn't the place to talk about data collection...
  4. S

    Facebook CPM vs CPC impressions?

    Possibly newbish question. Expecting flaming. Help would be great, too. Don't really need an answer, but it's a discrepancy I can't seem to explain, and WF is all about this shit. I've been testing a few facebook ads under both CPC and CPM. Why are CPC receiving more impressions than CPM...
  5. S

    First website. Ever?

    I just stumbled across the first website I ever made, along with all the other sites I'd interlinked with, and the webring I managed. Wow. Rather embarrassing but entertaining experience of counters, cross-linked images (Angelfire had 2mb limit or something) all-centred text, conflicting...
  6. S


    Hey all, Girlfriend's dad is having an affair, and is transferring money out of his name, with intentions to leave Gf's mother near-bankrupt. This is not good, because it means Mum might end up living with Us at some point in the future. Not good, so I've a vested interest to help out :) So...