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  1. M

    BANS and .htaccess help

    Hi, I'm trying to set up my BANS site but all the links in the navigation menu only lead to a 404 error page. After two days of digging, I think I finally found what the problem is. I host with and they use IIS web server, not Apache. From what I've learned, .htaccess files (of my...
  2. M

    Need help with first BANS site.

    It's almost 4AM here. I spent my entire day up til now to try and figure out what's wrong with my BANS site. I finally give up and come to wickedfire for help. This is still a test page though. Your Title Goes Here Can someone tell me what the problem is here and why it does not look like a...
  3. M

    Noob needs help with page design.

    I'm in the progress of creating my first website with dreamweaver. After I made some pages, I realized that with every new page that I want to add to my website, I would have to go back to every previous pages and manually make a link to the new page on the navigation bar. Is there a better or...
  4. M

    Another noob with another question.

    Hi, with CJ, vendors only supply affiliates with links to their homepage. How can I directly link clients to a specific page of the product that I'm promoting. I'm using PPC by the way. On another topic, it is imperative that I have my own website or landing page to make even a little profit...
  5. M

    Quick question. Really need help.

    I am a total noob here and I've been lurking around this forum a some times now. I'm finally ready to make my own website. Since I do not know html, my question is that are there anything disadvantages in using webhost such as that practically design the website for you and all you...
  6. M

    More newbie questions

    Hi, I'm a newbie to internet markerting and this is my first post here. I've got two questions if anyone's kind enough to help me out. 1. I want to create a website but don't know any html or php. I've stumbled upon some webhosting companies ( or that have...