Search results

  1. M

    Using 2 domains for one niche question.

    Hi, I just bought 2 .com domains with of the same niche. They both are exact matches for keywords that each gets over 300k searches/month. How can I get them both to rank well without hurting each other? My biggest concern is duplicated contents since the contents of the 2 websites would have...
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    Consensus on signature as backlinks.

    I've been looking up on the value of forum signatures as backlinks and I'm getting two sides to the story. Some are saying that they are worthless as backlinks and are only good for link exposures. Others are saying that search engines do follow forum signatures to your sites and are good as...
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    How should I kickstart my Q&A forum?

    Hi, this is going to be my first forum and I'm wondering what is the best approach to kickstart a forum. I'm thinking about hiring paid posters. Any other suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
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    Need Drigg expert

    Hi, I need a fairly simple mod to Drigg. I want to take away the "story's url" function when a user submits a story. This is because I want to make a site like yahoo answers and I like the commenting system of Drigg. PM with reasonable offer.
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    Is my Adwords account banned?

    Hi, I need help from this forum because the adwords help support gave me generic answers that wasn't helpful at all. Anyway, I start a campaign a couple weeks ago. It was not getting any impressions for some reason. I followed the guidelines and everything. Then I started another campaign, still...
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    Does ripped LP affect quality score?

    How about landing page with duplicate content? Does that affect quality score? Don't flame me please I used the search function but couldn't find it!
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    Rotating posts?

    Hi, a while a came across an idea that you can have a bot rotate your blog posts from time to time. The idea is to fool search engines into thinking that your blog is active and fresh. I understand that the content would still be the same. But could it still work?
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    Ranking question and phpbay question.

    1. Hi, how do merchant site(store) rank so high when they don't have any content at all? 2. I'm making some phpbay site. It is best to keep them solely as stores or should I include a content section to them as well? What is the best way to use phpbay?
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    Any full time college students in here doing IM?

    How do you find the time to do it? I'm trying to juggle between school and IM and I think I'm failing miserably. I'm not making grades or money.
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    Need advices on big project

    Hi, I have this idea that I think has great potential. It's something similar to digg but instead of news users submit something else. Anyway, I have no skills in web design or programming. I plan to outsource all of the work. 1. How much do you think I must spend on this whole project or to...
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    EPN earnings disappeared today.

    So I checked my account yesterday and I had 68$ for my total earnings. Today I checked and it's 14$. My money was taken away why????
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    Autoresponder help

    Hi, I'm looking for an email autoresponder that gives you a legitimate looking so that my prospects won't think that I'm a robot like if I use I tried gmail and yahoo but they're no good. Does aweber or getresponse allow you to customize your email address's...
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    My website shows up different in IE

    Hi, I really need help with one of my website. I'm currently using a wordpress theme that works very well with Firefox but just looks fucked up in IE. Where I'm confused is that I tested that same theme with another site of mine and it shows up just fine in IE. I thought it was the css at...
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    Help me rank 1-3 on Google Please.

    Hi, I have an EPN website that's about 4 months old. So far I have over 5,000 backlinks. I just got booted up to #7 for my key word. I write original content myself. Additionally, my key words are in my domain name. I need to rank at least 3rd on google, but 1-3 now are very trusted and...
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    How can I kickstart a school forum?

    Hi, I'm newly attending a university and I'm planning to create a school forum my university. How can I kickstart my forum. I know paid poster would not know too much about the things that go on at my university to post any useful content. Also I do not know too many people here to help me with...
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    Earnings stopped suddenly for EPN

    Hi, can someone give me an idea as to why my earnings suddenly stopped while the clicks remain the same. It started on september 25 until now. Not a penny made. Most of my traffic are organic from google. I figured it can't be incorrect tracking ID since the clicks are still recorded. Please help.
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    How many still pay for images?

    Hi, I'm planning to create a site that is mainly image based, but I don't think I will pay for those images though. I'll just scrape them from google images. At most I will just include references and remove them if someone complains. I worry about the legal issues and I'm curious to know how...
  18. M is indexed but not

    I searched a domain of my mine google and it is only indexed as "" but not "". Can someone help me explain this? Thank you.
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    Low PR and irrelevant backlinks hurt?

    I've spent the last two days submitting my new site to every type of directory regardless of PR score and relevancy. Then it occurred to me that having low PR backlinks and irrelevant backlinks could hurt my site. It is true?
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    Remove a page from Google

    Hi, I removed a couple of unwanted page from my website about two days ago. Now they show up as 404 error pages from Google search. I want to remove remove these couple of pages from Google's index and I am aware that Google does have a removal request form. My question is that will Google...