Search results

  1. T

    Why is my redirect passing through ppc search terms?

    I have a campaign I just launched and I am doing some keyword testing by direct linking via AdCenter. To hide the keywords from my merchant, I set the destination URL to a redirect page on my domain that then sends them through to the SaS tracking link. So the ad setup is: Display URL...
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    LinkedIn Group Spam--Do they do anything?

    We've all seen the MLMers that plague LinkedIn groups but does anybody know if LinkedIn actually does anything to group spammers? I'm sure any such bannings are easy to avoid with proxies/new email addresses but I'm curious if they even ban at the IP level in the first place to warrant using a...
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    Do AM's care about CPA polling-style sites?

    I was about to ask my AM about whether there are issues with running a polling style site for an email submit but figured I'd ask here first before I raise any red flags with her since I have other stuff running with them that I'd like to avoid closer inspection of. So standard setup, ask some...
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    Losing your ass on your first media buy--how did your early attempts go?

    Ok, not asking for advice, I'm testing that shit for myself and researching/learning as I go. What I want to hear are some stories with some numbers about your early media buys. Did you lose your ass by dropping $1k+ on Burst's shit traffic? Did you actually make any money? How much did you...
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    Current state of legit toolbars and networks

    Let me preface this by saying I've never done a toolbar or had anything to do with them. I am not an idiot when it comes to internet marketing but this is an area where I simply don't have any experience. So a couple facts have started percolating in my sleep-deprived brain, namely: Coders...
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    Monetizing Etsy without selling anything on there

    I'm going to take a wild guess here and assume that most of us here don't craft things worth selling on Etsy. If only there were another way to get involved like some sort of affiliate program. Unfortunately, Etsy does not have one. So what is one to do? I have a site that attracts about 4k...
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    CJ's Pay-Per-Call program...any good?

    Just got accepted and reviewing the offers. Its a little confusing as I'm not sure how average earnings from a call can be over a hundred dollars when the payout is around $10 (even the tiered offers don't go that high). Looks like it could be a nice way to test some offers out offline however...
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    Best order to learn languages in?

    I'm pretty decent with HTML/CSS and can hack PHP/Javascript a bit but not at the point yet where I'm able to fully write my own stuff beyond includes. Soon I will be investing some time into learning more on the development side and I'm debating what to learn and what will give me the most...
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    FlatRateMedia--anybody use them?

    Got a blind inquiry from FlatRateMedia the other day asking if I would be interested in running their banner on my site. They are fairly new but have some big VC backing. Apparently they run an automated "analysis" on your site and tell you how much they'd be willing to pay as a flat rate...
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    Passing Analytics referrer data through a form submit

    I have a website for my consulting business that has a standard lead capture form on it with some basic info fields. The site uses Google Analytics for conversion tracking but I am going to be plugging all the leads info in to a free CRM that I've found. What I'm wondering is, if it is...
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    B2b Lead-Gen...what CPL do you charge?

    I do lead-generation for b2b companies and only sell them highly-qualified leads where they get to choose custom qualifiers. I recently was told by a colleague who does lead-gen for local B2C (note the C) companies that I charge too little. I'm wondering if he has a point, however given his...
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    Things you wish you'd known before hiring a call center

    I'm beginning my research into how to get good results when hiring a call center to do sales for you so I thought I'd toss it out to the crowd... If you've hired a call center for sales before, what sort of shit do you wish you'd known before hiring one? I'm debating whether to outsource or...
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    K-Rate vs. Snapshot theme for WP

    I'm putting together a site where users can submit photos around the theme of the site with a little blurb, and other folks can rate and comment on them. This would also include a forum, standard blog, etc. The question I'm debating is whether to buy something like K-Rate which has all of this...
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    VoiceGenX, heard of them?

    Has anybody used an automated order processing/customer service/sales company called VoiceGenX? Interested in your experiences with them.
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    Forum software recommendation with outbound link modification

    I'm looking for a recommendation of some free forum software that is easy to install and preferably has either built in functionality or freely available community additions that enable it to take links to a certain website (eBay) and modify them to include my affiliate info. Technically I...
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    Tracking paid/organic conversions with EPN?

    I'm a measurement freak as I'm sure most of you are. I need to know exactly what ads/keywords are driving conversions because if I'm not, I'm sure I'm losing money somewhere. That said, I haven't found an easy and precise way to track down to that level with EPN. Lets say I have one site that...
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    New freecreditreport ripoff spots on TV for degree program?

    So I'm watching TV and I see two ads, played closely together, for these URLs: Both ads had a style jingle and one clearly targeted guys, the other targeting girls. Both go to the same low quality landing page and the different URLs...
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    Are you still Craigslist spamming?

    I read (and for the life of me can't remember where I found this) that Craigslist is starting to try to get individual affiliates shutdown who spam their boards with the job offer --> email autoresponder --> 3rd tier job site CPL offer stuff that had been making some people a couple hundred a...