Search results

  1. MackMM

    Website Junk Mail... no real mail.. like in my mail box... on my house...

    Today I got some interesting junk mail. Like in my mailbox, the one on my house. The entire thing was a great piece of copy with the call to action being about visiting a particular website. Now.... who does this? Wouldn't that cost too much money to really work? Of course, I did visit the...
  2. MackMM

    What do you think of this niche?

    What do you guys think about an Aspergers awareness niche. I noticed these blue lights everywhere and when I looked it up there was a ton of trending news about Autism Awareness. Is there a lot of competition here and would it be difficult to monetize?
  3. MackMM

    How do you get work done with kids on spring break?

    My kids are on spring break and my wife is working days this week. These kids are driving me nuts, seriously, I can not get any work done. Who in the hell indented spring break anyway. Any tips on how to get my work done with these kids bugging me all the time wanting to be fed and paid...
  4. MackMM

    Does Market Health Pay?

    I have a niche site that is health related. I was considering using Market Health Affiliate program. However, no one I know has had success with it. Does anyone know if they really pay?
  5. MackMM

    Crowd Sourced Labor

    Does anyone here use crowd sourced labor, such as MTURK and Facebook Applications? I have some mundane tasks that I am sick of, but not sure which crowd source labor force is best.
  6. MackMM

    How many Affiliate sites per account?

    I could not decide if this should go under Hosting or Affiliate Marketing, but I think it fits best here. I have 4 affiliate sites all hosted from the same site, not linked together. What is the maximum about of affiliate websites that should be hosted on the same account?