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  1. M

    Why Hosting affiliate programs pay so much money?

    I've been promoting hosting affiliate programs since last year but its just now that I wonder why these hosts pay so much for their affiliates? I mean how the fuck can they pay $50 for every user who signs up at $5 hosting plan? Is it because after all they can scrub all the referrals that an...
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    fuck the Lakers

    hehehe.. not a fan of Lakers are you?
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    Buying Tweets...

    Hey guys, I;m looking to buy quality tweets.. I know theres a retarded service like but it gets so little traffic that if your ordered 100 tweets, it will take like 100 days before it gets completed... if youre asking why, its because im currently testing stuffs.. thanks in...
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    WTS this stupid affiliate marketing blog

    I started last year with hopes that it can be a good resource blog for newbies in the field of It didnt take long for me to realize that it's not really easy to do. Aside from the fact that its not really cheap to hire writers, its also because the site wasnt...
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    email subs on facebook

    ey i get my ad almost always disapproved on facebook, i currently promote email submits on facebook but it always gets disapproved and they state the reason that "site has to be viewed on multiple locations" and since email subs are mostly targeted in US, obviously it wouldn't be viewed...
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    where are the best email submits?

    i used to think they were with copeac before. but now copeac removed all of them and so as some networks like c2m, a4d... the only network there is that has a ton of email submit offers is clickbooth, which i will never use... where r the best email submit offers? thnx in advnce
  7. M

    Is it still worth promoting email submits?

    Hello everyone i have been promoting email submits since last year but this year I think its not as profitable as it used to before... in my last campaign i think i have sent over 200 clicks and only have generated 3 leads and it sucks... i heard scrubbing has been done a lot on email and zip...
  8. M

    best offers to promote in facebook?

    Hey everyone, just want to ask what are the best-converting types of offers to be promoted on facebook? yesterday i tried a valentine offer, and some email submits but its not really converting that well. does dating do well there? thnx
  9. M

    cannot pay my ppc bill

    hey everyone just want some goood suggestions... I am doing affiliate marketing since last year and the difficulty has always been that paying payperclick bills/facebook bills comes first before receiving my payment from the networks.. I live somewhere in Asia and checks usually come in after 2...
  10. M

    landing page for email submit offers?

    do i need to use a landing page when promoting a cheapass email submit offers? I mean i am direct-linking all my life and adwords put a low quality score because im directlinking... what do you think? tnx
  11. M

    offer accepting traffic from US only or what

    Hi everyone, I just saw a lot of offer from copeac that says it accepts traffic from US, zealand, australia, and canada but when I click the campaign description it says it only accepts traffic from US. So Im a little confused... thnx in advnce
  12. M

    where can I find email submits landing page

    or is there a free lp on email and zip submits? Im having a hard time doing that simple page... I heard about poll factory. Is it that good?
  13. M

    Google Trends Question

    Hi guys quick question... It's almost shocking I just realized Google trends exists last November and I basically never cared about using it... How can you possibly use it to benefit your campaigns? I mean I tried it today, do a trends for UK and found out facebook is the most searched term...
  14. M

    is it worth promoting an offer that pays $2.65?

    and converts on 3 pages? I'm talking about the exclusive offers on Copeac. (like spicy or sweet and so) I never had promoted those types but I think some really make good money with it. What do you think?
  15. M

    want to by guaranteed signups..

    hello, the title suggests it all.. Basically I saw an offer that is incentivizable and want to buy reliable signups to that email submit... Is their still any crap here?
  16. M

    when email submits are incentivizable...

    hey everyone, just a question.. if email subs are incentivizable what does it mean? does it mean i can just give each of my friends a smarties and tell them to sign to my email submit offer? am i not gonna get scrubbed? thnx
  17. M

    When is an email submit lead considered an invalid lead?

    Hi, I just wanted to ask when is an email submit lead considered as an invalid lead? I mean I notice sometimes the lead is not counted or is considered fraud or invalid. How could they know that these are invalid leads? I mean email is the only detail needed to be entered right? Thanks
  18. M

    do you think this campaign is good?

    hi, im pretty newbie to pay per click although i used it since january.. Im promoting a certain email submit on copeac. I have made $45 on 3 days and had adwords expense of $40.. The email submit is paying $1.55 and I set my max CPC to 0.2... I am getting about 80 clicks a day.. Any suggestions?
  19. M

    my blog is hacked, i need your help

    hello everyone, my blog The Melvin Blog | The Talent To Buy Luxuries has been hacked and I don't really know what to do.... the blog's main page was hacked but all others are fully functioning such as about, contact, archives, posts... I know it could have been because of something that gained...
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    anyone tried advertising w/projectwonderful?

    well i have done some but had a bad epc with it. Also I saw most there having great traffic but never return traffic to advertisers, whats your experience with them?