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  1. simpleonline12

    VB.NET Created an instance of a form that contains a web browser ~ how do I access th

    I have create a form with a web browser on it. I create an instance of that form that contains web browser. how can I edit the web browser document completed on the new instance? Thanks
  2. simpleonline12

    Creating a web form filler but not sure where to begin

    Hey guys I actually updated my previous post because why buy it if you can build it right? But I'm trying to figure out how to build a web form filler similar to Roboform that allows the user to create a series of values like username, password, etc and then be able to navigate to a website...
  3. simpleonline12

    VB.NET Programically added new form with button - Click even't doesn't see textbox

    I have created my new window, textbox, and button and I can have my button display a"Hello") when I set the code under the click event. My Window has a button and a textbox. My issue is when I try to reference my new window's textbox in the code under that click event that I...
  4. simpleonline12

    Need Regular Expressions help with my expression

    I have a string of text that I am trying to match in my application. This is the series that I am matching // The only constant is going to be the amount of digits between the first two backslashes but then the actual jpg can vary. I've tried this but...
  5. simpleonline12

    Create Multiple Background workers with HttpWebRequest

    Okay so I've dug around all day and found that using multiple "background workers" would do what I would need for my application. How can I create 4 background workers and then feed the urls to the webrequest from a listbox? Dim request As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(URLGOESERE)...
  6. simpleonline12

    Creating an OCR application - where should I begin?

    I am starting to REALLY get the hang of programming (but still have a lot to learn). I am moving on up the ladder and now I'm ready to take on OCR (optical character recognition). I know there are few apps out there but they don't really solve any captcha's so to speak. Does anyone know...
  7. simpleonline12

    Need help with my RegEx . Doesn't work

    I currently have a richtext (GetIt.text) that contain source code from a page. In the below example I am trying to grab anything between the two tags but I'm not sure how to set this up. My current Regex doesn't return a result. I am trying to grab anything between the value tags...
  8. simpleonline12

    Using sockets to sign into website - or registering for website - Need example

    Sockets - anyone know of an example of logging into a website? I am looking to move up in my programming skills (fingers crossed-god willing) and I'm just looking for an example of logging into a website using socket programming. I can achieve this using the Web browser component and webrequest...
  9. simpleonline12

    VB.NET ~ Recaptcha telling me "Answer was correct" Please paste below??

    I have my app setup to solve captcha's manually using webrequest. With Re-captcha is something that I have to request myself from the server. Enter the noscript version of the recaptcha code and it directs me to the re-captcha website. I solve the code they give me there and it gives me...
  10. simpleonline12

    Need help grabbing input element of recaptcha input box using my scraper

    I have an element that I am trying to grab/scrape during my visit to the website. I have an element scraper that I created and use to grab any input elements on the screen and grab them by their Works great on all the "other" input boxes that I am trying to grab except this one...
  11. simpleonline12

    Web Browser Component ~ how to click this link in the browser -onclick

    I have link that uses a pop up window that I need to click. I can click the link to get the pop up window to be visible but in this pop-up window there is a link that I cannot figure out how to click automatically. This is what I get when I inspect the element in Firefox using the Firebug...
  12. simpleonline12

    Anyway to have web request run Javascript?

    I am setting my app using web request but I need to call the captcha (which is a javascript). Any way to have the web request run the captcha javascript and download the challenge?
  13. simpleonline12

    VB.NET ~ Are captcha's possible with webclient?

    I am looking into getting away from using the web browser component to create applications but one of the good things about the web browser component was that it could use Javascript to pull a captcha into a picturebox for the user to solve. I am moving on to using the webclient but I'm not...
  14. simpleonline12

    What language is ZennoPoster written?

    What is ZennoPoster written in? I was thinking Russian since it's Delphi but I'm not sure how to detect the language. Thanks
  15. simpleonline12

    VB.NET ~ Need help parsing XML loaded in richtextbox (loaded from URL)

    I have two rich text boxes, and two buttons on my screen. The first button grabs HTML from a URL and then converts the HTML to XML which resides in rich text box 1. The second button is to grab the XML from the rich text box1 and then parse it to grab all the input elements by their ID. My...
  16. simpleonline12

    html agility pack ~ how can I get all inputs of a form~ error code given

    Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports HtmlAgilityPack Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As...
  17. simpleonline12

    Going nuts- Is there a Regex builder that actually BUILDS your RegEx from a highlight

    I've been working straight since yesterday trying to get this to work. I'm a noob to RegEx and I've tested out about 5 different RegEx "builders" but each of them require you to navigate through the options to build the Regex...each of them has failed when I try to use them. Is there an...
  18. simpleonline12

    Why isn't this regex working?? I can grab src but it gets all of them??

    Here is the current regex "src=[\""\'](http:\/\/|\.\/|\/)?\w+(\.\w+)*(\/\w+(\.\w+)?)*(\/|\?\w*=\w*(&\w*=\w*)*)?[\""\']>" What I am trying to do is to grab element that is: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mysite="I need to grab everything inside these quotes"> With the current...
  19. simpleonline12

    Need help with RegEx can I get this element?

    I am able to get ALL id's on the page but I wanted to be able to get this particular string of html <input autocomplete="off" type="password" tabindex="3" size="25" name="password" id="password" value="" onfocus="_helpOn('help__password')" Here is my current Regex: id=.*" This get ALL the...
  20. simpleonline12

    How would you grab this element by "P"??

    I am trying to grab the inner text of this paragraph marker but I don't have a clue as how this is to be dones because the inner text changes on refresh. any ideas? Thanks <DIV class=rightcol> <P class=description>I need to grab everything in here</P><INPUT id=moreoptions class="primary textbox"...