Search results

  1. M

    Offer: 500 word unique articles / $10

    My other thread is more than 45 days old and can no longer be bumped, the content of it is listed below. Yes, I'm well aware I am not the cheapest on WF, my iTrader and feedback in previous threads speaks volumes about the quality of work I do though. When you contact me, please include an...
  2. M

    Contact list - need data verified

    I have an excel spreadsheet with about 5500 contacts on it. The spreadsheet has categories for: Company name Website Contact name (if applicable) Phone number Email address (if applicable) City State Country What I need is the data properly verified, and by this I mean, make sure the...
  3. M

    Wanted: Data scraping / information / data entry

    I'm looking to compile a spreadsheet with common data fields (company / first name / last name / email / phone / website URL / address / zip / etc.) of retail stores from one US state, within the specific genre I'm looking for (example: every store that sells golfing equipment). I'll provide...
  4. M

    Spreadsheet Wizard needed to consolodate contact lists

    I have a half dozen spreadsheets with contact name / information / etc - total is about 10 cells moving left to right. I need all the content from all spreadsheets organized into one, alphabetized and sorted. I have a master template that I can provide you with. Please PM price and time to...
  5. M

    Quote Wanted: Photo ordering website

    I am looking for a quote on a project for an online website / ordering solution. I'm only looking for established web developers, with positive iTrader feedback who have a portfolio showcasing they can launch sites on-time and with the components required for this gig. Looking for an online...
  6. M

    How to - iPhone4 HD video into iMovie HD > export at full size?

    So I'm a total movie n00b, photography I get and understand. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have 3 short clips I took with the new iPhone, with title boards between each of them, created in iMovie. I want to export the movie at full size in MOV format without letterboxing but no matter what...
  7. M

    Need a WP theme tweaked - fast job

    I need a WP theme tweaked, I don't have the time to figure out exactly what's going on with it and the plugin's I'm using or why things won't align properly. I'll take a screenshot of how it sits and edit it in PS so you can see how I want it and email that to you. I'll create an account for...
  8. M

    Giving away a $25 gift card for Canvas on Demand

    I get these gift cards from time to time, have no need for one... having a simple comment contest. If you want it - leave a comment on this post: Randomn3ss — Free $25 Gift Card for Canvas on Demand and I'll pick someone randomly on June 1st. Simple and easy, rather give it to someone who will...
  9. M

    Blu-ray moving burning software suggestions (Windows)

    Need to find a simple, easy to use piece of software that can take uncompressed MOV files right from a digital camcorder or still digital camera that does HD video (Canon 7d / 5dmk2 / Nikon d90, etc.) and encode / burn to Blu-ray disk in movie (DVD style) format, preferably with chapter...
  10. M

    Need your votes to get $250k from Pepsi for a Skateplaza

    A close friend of mine and local skateshop owner has been working with the city here to get a skateplaza built for nearly 8 years. The project is being built with zero tax-payer dollars and will be free for anyone to use. Through a small grant and lots of donations he's helped the city secure...
  11. M

    WP just took dump on me during an upgrade, help please!

    Upgrading from 2.3.1 WP to the newest, everything was fine until the last moment and I now get this error: Line 529 in the PHP file is: Line's 528-9 are: Because this was an upgrade, I renamed the .php file and uploaded a fresh one from a download at and get the same error, and it shows...
  12. M

    For Sale: $25 Gift Vouchers for Canvas on Demand

    I have four $25 gift vouchers that are redeemable at: They expire on April 1, 2010, each is a unique code, they cannot be stacked or used with other sales or offers (to the best of my knowledge). Best offer, will sell them one / two at a...
  13. M

    Paypal vs. Google Checkout

    On my site I installed a new shopping cart powered by to sell some of my stuff, it's way better then the hacked together one I did with Paypal. For payment processing it supports Paypal, Google Checkout, merchant services like and, along with phone orders...
  14. M

    Anyone using for project management?

    Found them from a friend who linked via Twitter Project Bubble | Simple, Free Project Management and Invoicing Tool seems like a near perfect answer for my needs to keep track of and bill work out for the writing jobs I do, especially since it generates invoices that are payable via Paypal...
  15. M

    Offer: 500 word unique articles / $10

    Spent a few months away from WF doing other work and now I'm back and ready to start cranking out unique content again. For a reference to what I've done, please see my older, previous thread: I am a...
  16. M

    FREE article! Netbook / computer / tech related

    I have a 550+ word 100% unique article that won't work on my own site that I'm looking to give to someone who has a site / blog that pertains to netbooks, computers, portable technology, tech, gadgets, etc. I only ask that you keep the [non-affiliate] links intact (for my tracking purposes...
  17. M

    Guess what Apple is announcing tomorrow?

    Anyone care to guess what Apple will announce tomorrow? Rumors were iPods with cameras, but then more rumors came out that they would be delayed. Obvious there is no tablet or netbook... anyone care to guess?
  18. M

    Export Facebook contact names? How?

    So 20 minutes of searching Google has led me with nothing - except some no longer available Facebook apps. What I'd like to do is export the names of contacts (don't care about email addy's) of my friends to a simple spreadsheet. Anyone know an easy way to do this?
  19. M

    FREE article! Digital / tech / wifi sector

    Here's the deal. I have a FREE article, but there are a few limitations. About the article: Wireless Technologies and Their Limitations It is 800 words and covers the limitations and advantages of the 6 main types of wireless technologies. It is 100% unique and original content. Formatted...
  20. M

    Livestrong Challenge - 100 miles on my bicycle this Sunday

    Anyone else taking part in the Philly Livestrong Challenge this Sunday? I'm doing the 100 mile loop with a friend of mine, should be fun. For those who don't know and want to know more about it, here's the link: Randomn3ss Livestrong Challenge Philadelphia 2009 If you are also interested in...