Search results

  1. L

    Need arbitrage help

    I've got a good cheap source of targeted traffic, both pops and clicks. I'm not having much luck turning either into profit via PPC or affiliate arbitrage. I'm looking either for a partner or someone to point me in the right direction. I'd be willing to rev share or simply pay by the hour if...
  2. L

    Looking to buy targeted traffic

    Let's say I'm after "ring tones" related traffic. I'd either like to buy your traffic that someone clicked on something that said it was ringtones, or cloaked/forwarded traffic from ringtones related sites. Maybe someone has too much ringtone traffic or can't find an affiliate that's converting...
  3. L

    Hosting for thousands of sites

    If you own thousands of sites (I've read some people own over 100,000 sites), how do you host them safely without getting banned from search engines? Even if you spread them across 100 servers, you'd still only have script generated websites on your IPs. Couldn't Google potentially ban all your...
  4. L

    Trade traffic with a humor site

    We've recently finished our traffic trading system for It seems most systems out there are a 1:1 ratio, we decided to do better than that. Our ratio is 1:1.4. You send us 100 visitors, we'll send you 140. We consider subpage hits a 1:2 ratio, so if you send us a hit to a video...
  5. L

    What happened to new posts or today's posts?

    I used to be able to browse all new threads on the forum easily with new posts or today's posts, now they're both gone! I hate having to click each category and view the threads, so much easier to just see all the posts and sift through the ones I want to read/post in.
  6. L

    Scraped content + Adsense

    I used to have a good system for building scraped content sites and I made good money with it for about 6 months. After that, Google caught on and started banning them all. So I stopped for a while and lately have been rebuilding the system from the ground up. I'm going to try to go big with it...