Search results

  1. D

    phpLD 4.1 Released

    Our previous 4.0 release brought you widgets, and 4.1 will surely prove even more exciting, putting more power into your hands than ever before. It has been our continuing goal to provide a script that can act as a directory of virtually anything, and by most measures, that day has arrived...
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    Is Google Broke on Your Commodore?

    I was reading some comments on Yelp about babies on a Vegan diet, and they had some hilarious replies (regardless of your views on Veganism) Vegetarian Baby | San Francisco | Yelp Have a look. I think commenting moderation has a ways to go, and even google's comments on local listings are not...
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    phpLD 3.4 Now Available

    Just over a year ago we released phpLD version 3.3 which was our most popular release to date. Since then we have been collecting requests from our users, and implementing new features, followed by careful testing. We have put a lot thought, research and time into this release (version 3.4), and...
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    Outlook and Office be Gone!

    I wanted to say that I had to totally redo my computer too (about 3 weeks ago I think). I am proud to say that I have almost completely stopped using Microsoft products except windows. I switched my outlook to gmail (thought this would be scary, but it wasn't, kept my same address too). I use...
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    Connect phpLD to vBulletin and phpBB

    Ok, here is the new and improved version to connect phpLD to forum software to vBulletin and phpBB 2 and 3. Here is what you will find in the new release. Settings: We will have admin settings to determine certain user rights. Rights will be granted for each of the following phpLD actions: -...
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    phpLD 3.3 Final Released

    After nearly 9 months since the release or phpLD version 3.2, we are pleased to announce the release of version 3.3. Many users have now tested the beta, as well as upgraded from 3.2, and we feel that we have reached a very stable version, and hope that you will find this latest release the best...
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    phpLD 3.3 Preview

    We now have a preview with some screenshots and other information about phpLD version 3.3 that will be released in Beta in the next few days. phpLD 3.3 Preview Feel free to leave your feedback, and get ready for the next version!
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    Taking Down a Defamatory Site

    Ok, it seems a law firm has contacted me because one of their clients needs a site taken down. The site in question has the domain name of the client (ex. and has written a big page about the client that is not very nice. Do you suppose I could contact the host or the domain...
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    Definition of Insanity

    This one really made me think... (someone shared this definition with me) What is the definition of Insanity? Answer: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Think about it. ;)
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    ValueClick - Any feedback?

    We are contemplating trying to use ValueClick for one of our clients. The minimum investment to start is $5000. That will be a pretty expensive test to see if it works. Has anyone used it? Any feedback?
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    Raccon Image Search

    I thought this was pretty funny
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    It Be Broke - Hilarious Reply

    Someone posted a question with very little information about the problem expecting an answer. The answer perfect and hilarious! User Question: Why can't I add an CMS? Can someone please explain that? Response: I want to know the same things. here is the details: it be broke. That was one of the...
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    Free Link Bidding Script

    There is now a new version of phpLD that allows you to run a site that allows people to bid for position on their links. While this is still new product, it seems to be working flawlessly for people that have tried it so far, and it even seems people are making money from it already. Download...
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    Pants where the zipper keeps coming down

    What do you do on jeans or pants where the zipper keeps coming down?
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    Anyone Tried Press Releases?

    I just found this nice list List Of Free Press Release Sites What do you think? Anyone tried this method before?
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    Making Friends with Other Webmasters

    One thing that I think it often overlooked when promoting a site is making friends. I have benefited SO MUCH by making friends with other webmasters. I find out what they are doing to promote their sites, as well as find ways that we can work together to mutually benefit. I would love to know...
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    Got Screwed Trading E-gold for Paypal

    I had some e-gold that I didn't know how to easily get out of e-gold over to me, so I made a post on another forum looking for a trade. I quickly lost $110 in e-gold. They sent me the paypal funds, and then the transaction was taken into investigation. :( I have a little left. How can I get...
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    Having Creativity

    When you are trying to write something creative, sometime you have get your mind thinking in different ways. You can see my complete article here: But it would be great if people could add some of their ideas to the list...
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    Wicked Fire Fighting

    I have a friend that is training to be a Fire Fighter. He told me they have to put on 70 pounds of gear (don't ask me to convert to metrics please) Then they have to crawl through a 100 foot tunnel (again ... no metrics ... I am an American and have limited measurement skills) They fill the...
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    Just Got Back from seeing Pan's Labarynth

    What I didn't know when I walked into the movie was it is all in Spanish and uses subtitles. I also didn't know it was going to contain some pretty raw violence (though limited). Getting beyond that it was an amazing moving loaded with symbolism that leaves you walking away thinking deeply. I...