Search results

  1. hamulon

    Starting jankishly instead of not at all

    If I wasn't hungover, tipsy, a little high, ignorant, and ready to execute, learn, repeat, I would've delayed a few hours/days trying to find out how to create a better WF journal thread. Instead, this. Here's what I'm working with now: Semantic Mediawiki Data-based content/facts in triple/RDF...
  2. hamulon

    grayscale hat: IP addr + WMT + searches for spintax, ALN = footprint trouble?

    If I was Google, I'd flag the shit out of somebody with a website who also does searches for grayhat naughtiness like BLG, spintax, blasts, ALN or any other frowned-on SEO topics. Am I being overly paranoid, or should I be using scroogle or Bing to research my sneaky SEO tactics? If this is an...