Search results

  1. U

    What is fair to charge a family member for something like this?

    Family member owns a construction company and wants me to SEO him to the top for "city demolition". Demolition is a very profitable bus, especially when in a major city, and I scored him an exact match domain. Competition isn't extremely hard but not easy. Any ideas on what would be a fair...
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    Best Free Wordpress Plugins?

    What are some must have plugins you guys use on every install? I'll start off with some obvious ones: Google Analytics for wordpress Google sitemap generator Platinum SEO Pack Redirection (easy way to create redirects) Exclude pages (exclude pages from nav menu) Any other suggestions? Also...
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    Definition of "stupid" right here.

    Domain $10 Hosting $5 Buying the domain for your city only to realize the reason it was available is because you mispelled the word "restaurant" - Priceless. Does namecheap give refunds?
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    What should I do with this site? Abandon or develop?

    I thought about getting a headstart on the Microsoft Courier (competitor to ipad) so I made - Microsoft Courier specs, reviews, info and opinions. I don't know if I want to work on it anymore. It's not SEO'd or anything. It just feels like a waste of effort. What do you guys...
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    Google has fked me over. What do I do?

    Not ranking related. I forgot my youtube account password so I go to reset password on youtube. It resets my GMAIL password because apparenty youtube and gmail are now linked, and sends my gmail password to some old ass hotmail account I havent used in over 6 years. Neither can I answer my...
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    How can a jpg look completly different on two browsers?

    Same exact url, two different lengths: That strip repeats itself to form the background. The jpg on firefox (left) is actually the original which has since been replaced and yet it still shows up.... The jpg on IE (right, shorter) is actually the one currently uploaded. its the same exact...
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    Would I get in trouble with G/Youtube for this?

    I want to make a site for a certain niche and a big part of it would be videos from youtube. Can I get away with embedding lots and lots of youtube videos on my site (while having 3rd party ads) or would Google send me a a cease and desist? At most I'd say I'll have a 100 videos.
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    This is hypnotising.

    YouTube - awesomedanceinpajamalatina
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    Idea for profiting off local SEO. Is this doable?

    I was thinking about creating a newspaper/listings type website for my local suburban type area. It's kind of small so I'm not sure if it will be worth it. I was thinking of putting free classifieds kind of like craigslist but localized to the small area, and writing a few articles, while...
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    Maintaining a balanced life

    I'm just getting into this stuff, and after quickly realizing how much money there is to be made in AM and even in regular SEO by building value providing sites, I've just been working non-stop the whole 4 day weekend ( I didnt go to class on Tuesday lol...) went by in a blur for...
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    With one slap...they're transported back to their childhood

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. Reminds me of that scene from RocknRolla haha