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  1. swissarmy

    Help Me Understand MSN Ad Center - WTF am I doing wrong?

    I've entered specific keywords and then tried "Update All Bids for Position 1" It gives me costs of like $50-$90 per click!?!!? Even on keywords it says it doesnt estimate any traffic or clicks? What the heck am I doing wrong? Does MSN check the landing page and does that determine CPC...
  2. swissarmy

    Geo-Target Ads on Landing Page

    I'm trying to figure out how to geo-target content on the landing page to the specific users location? The same way porn ads do it all the time. Can anyone suggest how to do that?
  3. swissarmy

    Placement Ads - Banners CPC?

    I was thinking of running a few banners and doing some placement ads with Adwords. I couldn't figure out anywhere how to choose the minimum bid or find out the CPC? I started a few and set the CPC really low to like .20 cents and they didn't give my any impressions or anything? Any tips?
  4. swissarmy

    Noob - Made $80 bucks today but cost me $200

    Today I jumped in full blast. LP was ready, Keywords were ready, Ads were built... Before lunch I had racked up $200 in spending. Kinda freaked... but then found I had some conversions. Just wanted to share the excitement. I feel I can possibly make this campaign work but I'm a little nervous...
  5. swissarmy

    How many ads do you split test at once?

    I'm curious how many ads you split test when in testing mode? Is there an amount that's too many to get some decent data? 2 - 4 - 6? I'm curious if testing 6 ad variants is too many to start out? Also... I read that there was a quota to the # of campaigns/keywords and ad groups you can put...
  6. swissarmy

    Great Quality Score - 1st Page Max CPC - No Impressions

    I created a landing page earlier today, built a keyword list and set up a campaign. I'm getting a "GREAT" for QS and Adwords Editor is telling me I'm above the 1st Page Bid Estimates - most keywords by a lot. Few hours later, still not showing a single impression and AFAIK and my research has...
  7. swissarmy

    Dynamic Landing Pages or Static

    Been exploring Landing Pages and it seems that much of the time, dynamic pages are a must. I've also looked into lpgen a bit and this seems like a way to get the php/coding part done without having an in-depth knowledge of php. When building a landing page do you build one page and use dynamic...
  8. swissarmy

    Don't visitors experience a WTF moment when they leave a Landing Page

    I'm a noob and I've got a few questions. I looked around and while it seems you guys will have no problem telling me off or calling me a piece of shit, you seem to know what you're talking about so I'll be spending a few days here. But I'm trying to work this out in my head because nobody has...
  9. swissarmy

    Go ahead and beat me with a rubber hose.

    Go ahead and beat me with a rubber hose for this noob question but... When you decide on an offer to test, do you usually start out with direct linking on networks other than Google before building a LP or do you build LP's from the gecko. Thanks for accepting me into WF. :jester: