Search results

  1. Cap'nShplanky

    How to Change/Create WordPress Users Via CPanel (site hacked)

    A few of my wordpress sites were hacked and had their main blog pages (in one case, every page) replaced with an anti-America/Israel/Europe, pro-Islam/Allah/Mohammed message (way to go for good pr). My cPanel access is just fine, but I'm not sure how to change users from the file manager. I...
  2. Cap'nShplanky

    Pedo Bear Panic Hits Tulsa

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Your town could be next...
  3. Cap'nShplanky

    Iframes for "Virtual" Direct Linking

    I am wanting to use an iframe to display the advertiser's LP at my own domain. I'm wondering if the advertiser will be able to see where my traffic originally came from, or if they will just see that it's coming from my domain? I'm also not sure how to know when advertisers might find this...
  4. Cap'nShplanky

    Editing My Signature

    Alright I've been here for a while but I feel like this is just the big dumb newb question. How the hell to I edit my signature? There's no edit-pencil beside it, and the pussies finally ran out.
  5. Cap'nShplanky

    Convo w/IM Spammer

    I must've been tired as fuck not to be sure about what was going on a little sooner. Ah well. BUZZ!!! CaptainCaptain: creative name hotblondie_1986: Leanne, Just call me Dana CaptainCaptain: Just call me Michael Jackson hotblondie_1986: I cant call right now babe, my cam show doesnt end for...
  6. Cap'nShplanky

    Ridiculing Support Staff: Why I Need the Pic from the "Google Content" Locked Thread

    Ridiculing The Support Staff I had some interesting interactions with some support staff who takes herself WAY too seriously. I wanted to copy the joker photo from a thread that is now locked, and send it to her. Here is why: (Setup: I write press releases for an outsourcing company that...
  7. Cap'nShplanky

    How to do a redirect that splits traffic between two pages?

    Have searched the forums and can't find what I'm looking for although I may have overlooked it. I just want to do a really simple A/B redirect, so that when I send traffic from yahoo answers or similar places, it hits a page on a site that i own; then half the traffic goes to some kind of...
  8. Cap'nShplanky

    PETA Not Impressed With Obama's Miyagi Skills

    PETA Wishes Obama Hadn't Swatted That Fly
  9. Cap'nShplanky

    Search Site for Affilaite Offers

    I can't remember the name of the search engine/site that sifts through different networks' offers. It's on my old laptop which I don't have access to at the moment. Searching WF for "affiliate offers search" and similar phrases hasn't helped me much. Can one of you uber-helpful sould remind...
  10. Cap'nShplanky

    301 Redirect Problem b/c of .htaccess & wordpress-given code (I think)

    When I changed the permalink structure to a customer structure on WordPress, it told me that my .htaccess was not writeable and that I needed to put in this bit of code <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /captainshplankykickassblog/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f...
  11. Cap'nShplanky

    Warrior Forum's $27 Guide to...

    getting accepted by CPA neteworks! hxxp:// Interesting to see his reply to the "hey it's really not that hard" comment he gets.
  12. Cap'nShplanky

    Sharing something cool as my first post.

    Don't worry, I'll ask advice on how to write my ebook later. I just wanted to start out with something badass, and what is more badass than Wolverine? Not much. (This isn't something from X-Men 3.5 edition--it's the Wolvie movie trailer) <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie"...