Search results

  1. udkl_12_98

    Anyone promoting products on Facebook ? Care to Share Experiences ?

    Already have an e-commerce website which was converting well to visitors from search traffic. Tried to promote 'prank gadgets' on facebook via its advertising program. This was done across all ages and sexes. The traffic did not convert well... in-fact, conversion was really disappointing...
  2. udkl_12_98

    Are my keywords and niche the problem ?

    This is the process that was followed : 1st Day : 1) Selected a niche. (A product available on amazon) 2) Got Domain & Designed Site to match the niche. 3) Selected the keywords. a) The keywords in this articular niche have low searches. Somewhere around 22-50 searches a month for that...
  3. udkl_12_98

    Windows startup process| Excellent Database for Affiliates |Click to ready why .....

    list of windows processes People search for a particular windows process for many reasons. When they arrive on the site that is using this DB, you get a chance to promote some 'scan you registry for free' offer. Approximately 18,000 rows. Approximately 600 Kb when zipped. CREATE TABLE...
  4. udkl_12_98

    High paying keywords | Medical Pharma Database for sale| Look now or regret later !

    pharma data list Total rows :- 8,100 Size :- 5MB zipped, 37 MB unzipped. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `medics`; SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client; SET character_set_client = utf8; CREATE TABLE `medics` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(200) NOT NULL...
  5. udkl_12_98

    Content Creation |Articles |Squidoo Lenses |Blog Posts et al

    Do you guys really read the stuff written here ? or do you just scroll to the prices ? We think it is the latter. First, here are our rates : 300 words: $ 4.5 500 words: $ 6.5 750 words: $ 8.5 1000 words: $ 12 Bulk : 1) No. of Articles – 10 300 words Price: $40 2) No. of Articles – 20, 300...
  6. udkl_12_98

    Niche Research :

    What Specra does is search 3 search engines at one go. So at a single instant, you get the perspectives of Google,Yahoo & Bing. Good for partial niche research..... You can get the sites returned for a particular keword by the 3 engines at one single place. P.S. The Weighing of the search...
  7. udkl_12_98

    **UNIQUE** Pharma Brands info DB.

    Contains more than 8,000 Medicine brand information. You do not have resell rights. STRUCTURE CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `medics` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(200) NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT...
  8. udkl_12_98

    Windows Startup Processes : Web content Database :

    Do not buy it from web content database. This is because I am offering WF members a special price (FYI, that IS my website). Do not forget to subscribe to the rss feeds to keep track of new databases added to the website. Contains around 17,500 windows startup processes information. You do...
  9. udkl_12_98

    Myspace 50$ Voucher

    Coupon: web04160950 Thanks to Bryn at $50 MySpace MyAds Coupon | Bryn Youngblut - Entrepreneur and Affiliate Marketer
  10. udkl_12_98

    .infos / .coms - Difference in QS ?

    Looking to purchase a couple of domains. The .com's when bulk purchased, tend to inflate the overall purchase price. So, I was thinking to purchase a mixture of a few .com's and a few .info's. All the domains are going to be used for PPC. Does the Adwords algorithm differentiate between a .com...
  11. udkl_12_98

    Subscribe when participated

    IMHO, it is hard to keep track of threads where you have posted . So, it would be great if a mod is installed that automatically subscribes you to the thread if you post on it. So later, when you go to your User CP, you get a list of subscribed threads and get to see if any new posts have...
  12. udkl_12_98

    Multiple Adwords Account

    I'm starting out and am going to create multiple adwords accounts for redeeming the vouchers. Now, to make those new adwords accounts, 1> is it OK if I use the CC I have used in my primary account ? 2> do I need to signup from a different comp/IP ? 3> What about personal details ? Is it Ok...
  13. udkl_12_98

    Facebook Vista Promotion

    Is the Facebook 100$ Vista promotion still ON ? I did not try it before asking because I did not want to unnesseccarily attach another CC into FB. If not, does any one know how/where I can get Facebook vouchers ?
  14. udkl_12_98

    Starting Out with PPC

    I've decided to start out with PPC . I plan to post updates on this about what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. So, whatever is being done by me will be under constant review by you guys. so here are my steps that I plan to implement initially. 1> Get a Domain & Hosting (Did these steps) 2>...
  15. udkl_12_98

    Ebay or Amazon & CJ ?

    I have started out now .... Have identifyed my niche .... But I am at a loss as to choose which affiliate network I should promote. Does Ebay convert ? I heard they pay very less commission .... Approx how much % do they pay ? Or should I promote CJ and Amazon links ? Both have a 10% comission...