Search results

  1. firewire

    How about this friend finder idea?

    I do not know how good they pay, but I guess that if you sign someone up for any of these datingsites, might be some good cash, not? How about going to a single party in any disco nearby? Setting up a small "booth" at the entry with laptop + digicam + picturemail. Make pictures of people...
  2. firewire

    AdSense sharing and related problems

    Does anyone uses AdSense sharing? You let someone submit an article and 50% of the earnings are related to his ID, the other 50% to the webmasters ID. So you never have ADs with 2 different IDs of course. So that is no problem. But anyone knows, what happens if someones ID gets closed for any...
  3. firewire

    Anyone with own web directory?

    What is the best software to run a directory ? Anyone who made some experience with directory software ?
  4. firewire

    web 2.0 shops around somewhere?

    Are there any shops in the net with web 2.0 functionality? There are some shops who have these user ratings and tagging stuff, but what else does a web2.0 shop need???
  5. firewire

    For sale:

    Someone interested in buying the undeveloped domain ?