Search results

  1. prodigy

    Need a couple reviewers..

    I've attempted PMing a few people, including some of the mods who've said they were interested in getting review copies of new BST products and putting their honest opinion about them out there.. but I haven't had any response yet. So I'm basically looking for a couple stand up, trusted users...
  2. prodigy

    At what point am I allowed..

    to create a post in the buy/sell section advertising a script that I created for the IM crowd who is using incentive offers with networks? I am really eager to release it here as I believe it will really help a lot of people out but at the same time I am wanting to follow the rules and not get...
  3. prodigy

    multi-quote button?

    <lame newbie suggestion/question thread> Just curious but is there a reason the multi-quote button doesn't necessarily "fit" with the rest of the WF theme? When it is clicked the color definitely fits - but the size/shape doesn't flow with the other customized buttons for the site. Not...