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  1. juniodude

    "index of /"? transferring problems

    Hey guys, i posted this problem in one of my old threads, but this problem is pretty urgent. so if you guys can, can you check out i was trying to transfer hosts and i must've messed something up. if you know ANY possible solutions please post!:crying:
  2. juniodude

    Adsense is going crazy on me

    On one of my sites, adsense does not show up. I have 3 adblocks and 1 adblock is a 336x280 one that is incorporated into the text which shows up fine, but the two other ones(both 160x600) in the sidebar show up as nothing, but a solid blue color(which is their background color). the weird...
  3. juniodude

    How to transfer hosts

    hey guys, this might be a very newbish question for yall, but please do help me. im a clueless newb:bowdown: Not too long ago I registered for a dreamhost account. i setup a couple sites there and installed Wordpress onto those domains. most of the domains i got were from from...
  4. juniodude

    How important is hosting for ppc arbitrage?

    Just wondering...cause i think i'm going to change to because dreamweaver doesnt cut it. is it worth it? for ppc arbitrage, will it actually factor into the visitors decision to stay the extra 5 secs or so?
  5. juniodude

    Where do you get your desktop backgrounds?

    Just wondering. I'm looking for "cool" designs or anything mainly. not girls though=( i live in my mom's house so i have to play by her rules.
  6. juniodude

    If there was an arbitrage site...

    Hey guys, if there was an abitrage site that had like a TON of pages, literally. can i assume that if i copy it pretty much, layout wise, i should do pretty well in arbitrage(even though the site might go against some of the common things such as only have 160x600 ad blocks, having exit...
  7. juniodude

    Really struggling with PPC Arbitrage

    Hey guys, it's been about a week now since i've started my arbitrage voyage and it has been a bumpy road. i mainly advertise on searchfeed and 7search..and there has been issues on CTR and clicks on my ads. Recently, I was able to solve the clicks on ads issue...a little. but now my problem...
  8. juniodude

    Styes Suck Yo

    Do you guys know what styes are? They suck..they're ruining my whole life. my left eye is like covered in styes..3 or 4 of them hate them. Last time I had a stye, it caused my whole eye to turn read. I neglected the redness because it didn't hurt, itch, or anything. then after 5 months or...
  9. juniodude

    arbitrage is crazy

    hey guys, i might be simply going crazy, but i have tried 2 ppc arbitrage sites and i simply am losing more than i am earning. i'm pretty newb to all this, so maybe bad ad placement. i need tips, any tips. and how much do you guys usually pay for your ppc ads? mine are around the 10-11cent...
  10. juniodude

    bahh--lost money from ppc

    hey guys, i recently tried out a little of ppc,..and i lost money:crying: Albeit, i did not lose a lot(about $25), nonetheless, it is still money especially since i have very little to spend since i am just getting into this. I put keywords up in searchfeed, 7search and miva each with $25 in...
  11. juniodude

    How to use only $10 for PPC Arbitrage?

    Hey guys, i was wondering, is there any way to use only $10 for ppc arbitrage for sites like or will i have to manually stop it?
  12. juniodude

    Bah one of the worst days of my life

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! does anyone ever have plain and sucky days? as if everything is dying around you? I was having an awesome day, especially because of the lightning round and everything.......but after day...........blah just blew up........feel like screaming...
  13. juniodude


    I just read about something called AlternateURL for substituting your lower adsense ads with higher ones? I'm not exactly sure how it works...does anyone use it?
  14. juniodude

    Your views on PPC Arbitrage

    After reading Jon's blog post and searching this forum for threads on this topic, I'm unsure where most people stand on it. Do you think PPC Arbitrage is worth it? How hard is it, especially for people that are just starting out? Will it take buttloads of money to refine to a science or will...
  15. juniodude

    Help me earn more than $.37 a day

    Hey everyone, Recently, I set up my first site and was able to earn 37 cents. but then yesterday, went back to 0.00=P Nonetheless, I am not getting a ton of traffic yet, and I need help on SEO, making my website look more professional, and ad placement. If you got any suggestion please do...
  16. juniodude

    <br> doesn't work in wordpress post?

    I'm experiencing a problem in a wordpress post where <br> doesn't work. I'm using html(the button near post) to edit it, but it simply won't edit. I've tried ways around it such as <p></p> and just editing it in the post part of wordpress, but it always reformats it so there is only one break...
  17. juniodude

    Google Adsense-How to check CPC

    Hello, I have one ad up on my site and I want to see if there is a way to find out its CPC? thanks
  18. juniodude

    Newbie Needs help again.

    Hey Everyone, I have recently been trying to start up on advertising online...and I have no online experience at all. So far I got a little set up, in the past day, but it is still far from complete. However, I was just thinking ahead, how could I increase traffic to my site? I may try to...
  19. juniodude

    Help a newb at Wordpress?

    Hey guys, first off, I want to thank everyone in this forum who views posts, even newbie posts=p, and responds so kindly. thanks! nextly, i come with a wordpress question. i recently downloaded a nichemarketing theme and have installed it. However, it seemed to get rid of a few things that...
  20. juniodude

    Complete and utterly helpless newb

    Hey everyone, I really want to get something off the really. i'm willing to put hours of work into this, but i don't know how to start. i don't even know how to program. can some people suggest some stuff to me? like programs to help setup webpages, shared hosting sites...