Search results

  1. juniodude

    Azoogle Ads-Best Way to Start Affiliating with them

    Hey guys, I was wondering what you guys think would be the best way of starting to make money with AzoogleAds. Is it ppc search engine results(affiliate offers), 100% natural search result sites, blogs,...blah,blah,blah I know no one is going to "give" me exactly to do, but maybe just some...
  2. juniodude

    Eye problems?

    Does anyone have eye problems (possibly from being in front of the computer too long?) I get styes often and also have red veins, lots of them, always forming in the corners of my eyes. I used to wear contacts, but was forced to stop because of how red they became. However, now, when I don't...
  3. juniodude

    When Did New IE come out?

    wow, I feel like an idiot,..but when did the latest internet explorer version come out? It has tabs like firefox and the layout seems nice and clean. Of course internet explorer doesnt have the nice firefox plugins, but it looks pretty nice
  4. juniodude

    How long does it take to get accepted by Azoogle?

    Generally, how long does it take to get accepted by Azoogle? and are there any ways to speed up the process? Do they only contact you after they receive your w9 form or is the w9 form only necessary for you to receive payments?(meaning you can start advertising before they receive your w9form)
  5. juniodude

    Fill in forms for Pay Per Lead Offers

    Is there a way to set up a web page that has forms and once the user fills in the specified forms and presses the submit button will automatically fill in the forms for the pay per lead's site and automatically submit it so the user doesn't know that it goes through another site?
  6. juniodude

    What is a Good Adwords CTR?

    Hey guys, I was wondering what is a good adwords CTR that I should aim for.
  7. juniodude

    Yo guys it's 11-11

    It's 11-11, wish me luck=/ just got to survive another 6 1/2 hours and im good:Yahoo_29:
  8. juniodude

    Easiest Way to have multiple adsense accounts?

    Hey guys, What is the cheapest(with not that much hassle) way to be able to get a 2nd adsense account? Some people suggest llc, dba with ein...just wondering. thanks, junio
  9. juniodude

    Impove memory pills

    Does anyone take any pills to improve memory and concentration? Other than aderall=(...I really want something to help my memory because i seem to be the most forgetful person alive.
  10. juniodude

    Has anyone tried the craiglist thing?

    Has anyone tried the craiglist thing? it is mighty devious=/
  11. juniodude

    Do You Ever Feel Like You Were Owned?

    I was just utterly, completely, extremely, owned by my calc 3 exam. maybe i just suck, but i was dying while taking it...literally. my life was flashing before me and showing me all the times i've got owned. Bah, i got owned, probably got a 2/50
  12. juniodude

    Outsourcing the Programming of Sites

    Hey guys, i recently got an idea for an affiliate geared site, but i REALLY suck at programming.. i literally dont know how to program. I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on who I can possibly outsource it to.(companies or specific programmers) Furthermore, is it okay to...
  13. juniodude

    Any way of getting rid of blank space after heading tags?

    like..any way to get rid of that blank space after <h1> <h2> <h3> stuff?
  14. juniodude

    Adsense Payments?

    Hey I was so excited the other day because I got my first adsense payment=P, but I was wondering, how does the payment process work? I should have received 500+, but I only received 107(it says they only paid me 107 in payment history) and now, there is another 400ish that wasnt does...
  15. juniodude

    Shoot, I'm seeing my death date again

    I posted this before, in the middle of a thread Anyways, my problems seemed to fade as i started getting into my hectic college schedule...but it's been occuring again. I don't look at my watch that much(maybe 5-6 times a day) and in the past 5 days, I've seend 4:23 at least 3 times and 11:11...
  16. juniodude

    7search question

    Is there anyway I can make a "top bid request" on one of my many sites but not the others? Or set certain sites as having all bids at .06 and other sites and .04 and other sites and .03? Do i have to do it manually? Is there any program that can make it easier? or anything like that?
  17. juniodude

    How long for CJ to report stats?

    How long does it usually take CJ to report a click or a sale/lead? I would think within a day right? But if you click your own ad, does it record that? Because i tried clicking it 2 days ago and no click was recorded. Edit: sorry for the icon. I was trying to get the question mark, but when...
  18. juniodude

    How to Avoid Smart Pricing?

    I was just wondering how you guys(especially arbitragers) are able to avoid being smart priced to death. I'm not sure, but I think I have been hit a bit by smart pricing. i cannot die!:anon.sml:
  19. juniodude

    ResellerZoom Problem making new account

    Has anyone tried making a new account(for a new domain) in resellerzoom? I should be allowed to make 49 more accounts for 49 more domains, but whenever i try to make an account it says, " You do not have access to create that package (undefined)!" Anyone know why?
  20. juniodude

    What is the code for inserting a strip of pic near adsense

    What is a code for inserting a jpeg of four pictures next to adsense? I mean, I know it should be easy, but what looks the most aethetically pleasing? I was using adsense beautifier but I want a manual code so that I can insert different pictures for different adsense blocks.