Search results

  1. RumMonkey

    Facebook Ads - No List Building?

    Sorry if this question has been asked before but I've searched and can't find an answer to it... I want to use FB to build a list, but I just read through the Facebook ads guidelines and it says I can't give away cool shit in exchange for an email address. Has anyone managed to get past...
  2. RumMonkey

    Disguising a Facebook 'Like' link

    Does anyone know how to disguise a 'Like' link so you could design your own button?
  3. RumMonkey

    Half A Million Leads

    Hi, three weeks ago my friend purchased a liquidated lead generation company in Liverpool, UK. He's a trader and aquires new businesses regularly. The company was folded and sent into liquidation due to a dispute with the owners, one of which was a friend of his. What we're now left with is a...
  4. RumMonkey

    Gay Pervy Wanker

    Don't add your boss on Facebook!