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    New eBook Idea

    McDonald's-only runner Joe D'Amico finishes in top 30 top at Los Angeles marathon | :music06:
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    Facebook Livestream

    Livestream | Facebook In b4 first live suicide on facebook :rasta:
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    Multiple monitors and remote desktop connection?

    I know a lot of people here use multiple monitor setups so this is a question for you guys. Do any of you know of a free program that allows you to use multiple monitors when connected to a terminal server so that it actually acts like dual monitors instead of one large stretched monitor? eg...
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    Microsoft Global Criminal Compliance Handbook

    You can download it here Microsoft Spy
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    I need 9 website templates

    Hi, I am looking for someone to design 9 website templates for me. These will be for a 'travel guide' type of site for cities around Australia. I would like a basic but nice effective layout which is the same across each site although varying in colours, etc. If you are interested in doing...
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    Will give an international holiday for the person who can get me the most backlinks!

    OK, I know there are a tonne of really talented people on this forum that would be able to do this for me. What I would like, is as many backlinks as possible from RELEVANT, decent traffic, decent page rank websites. This can include relevant website directories, relevant blogs, relevant...
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    Looking to trade links with sites in the Hotel/Travel industry

    Hi guys/girls I have a new hotel reservation website and I am looking to trade links with other sites in the hotel/travel/hospitality industry. Please reply here or pm me if you are interested. My site is | Compare Hotel Prices from The Top Hotel Reservation Sites Thanks...
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    Looking for Web 2.0 graphic/web designer.

    OK, I'm looking for someone who can create nice "web 2.0" stlye graphics and websites, specifically for Blogger and Wordpress. If you are able to do this and have a reasonable price, please link to some samples of your work and let me know how much you would charge. The first site that I would...
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    End of my first month.

    Ok, it's the end of my first month in the world of Internet Marketing and I made around $225 USD in April. Is that good or bad for a first months effort?
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    I'm offering FREE banner ads on my website.

    Hi everyone. I have a new website called Easy Pixel Ad @ I am giving away free ad space on the main page to whoever wants it. You banner can be a maximum size of 200x200 pixels. In the future I will be turning this site into a full website directory using 100% Pixel Ads. This is...