Search results

  1. M

    Adobe Air Developers?

    Hey, Does anyone know any good quality adobe air developers? I've looked around elance and other sites but they are hard to find. I am trying to develop a software and I want it to available for both windows and Mac. Market Samuari is adobe air and it runs well and is pretty legit. My software...
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    email slide up scripts

    Hey, I am looking for a script that pops up an email optin request along the bottom of my site. My friend showed me this one but its $197! That's a rip off. Does anyone know where to get the same script or better for way cheaper??? here is the link for the one I was going to buy...
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    What Exactly is UAW?

    Hey Guys, So I just watched the entire video sales pitch for Unique Article Wizard but I am not sure exactly what it does and is it worth it? I found it through So if I buy UAW Articles from them do they automatically submit it to UAW which then post it to a bunch of sites...
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    Is this a legit email? Or am I being scammed?

    Hey guys, So I got this email from saying that someone has visited in order to try to get a hold of me. Then the guy in the email says he is interested in buying my site. Is this normal? This is a forwarded message from
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    how to automated product serial numbers and downloads

    Hey guys, I recently had some software created for me that I will be selling. I was wondering if any of you knew the best way for me to automate the download process and automated the serial code to be generated and sent out in the thank you email. Is there software for this? The software...
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    ASW Question

    Hey guys I am definitely very NEW to Affiliate Marketing. Anyways I am just getting started but I was wanting your opinions on whether or not it would be worth it for me to go to ASW. Money aside. I am talking for informational purposes only. Would I learn a lot? Or would I be so far behind it...
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    fucking great anti government bailout commercial

    Found this while stumbling, don't know if you guys seen this or not. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Pretty dope.
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    Facebook PPC question

    OK this is the newb of all newb questions. On Facebook you know how you select keywords that are really people's interest in their profiles. I am promoting a health offer which pays for leads but how do I know what keywords to type in for people's interest. Is it the exact same as finding...
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    stats 202 opinions?

    Ok so I am a noob so don't grill to hard here but I am using prosper and I was wondering if anyone uses stats202 to import their subids? Is it worth it or not? Or do most of you just manually do it. I guess it also might depend on how much traffic you get.
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    whats the best article submission software

    I need your opinions. What's the best article submission software?
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    How to sell products through Aweber

    Hi guys, Here is my situation. I am using Aweber to do my email marketing and I have been getting subscribers to my newsletter. I want to promote a digital product that people can purchase and download. How do I set this up? Does Aweber do this for you or do I just create a link to my paypal...
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    adsense and autoblogging? Does Google care?

    Hi, I created a blog and installed a autoblogging feature that pretty much generates content automatically from blogs all over the internet. I have adsense on my website and I was wondering if Google knew I was using a autoblogger would they ban my adsense account? Also is using a auto blogging...
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    Healthy? How many pushups can you do in 2 minutes?

    How many pushups can you do in 2 minutes? Rating (Age 20 - 29) --- [Age 30 - 39] --- {Age 40 - 49} --- /Age 50 +/ Excellent (> 80) --- [> 73] --- {> 66} --- /> 58/ Good (71 - 80) --- [64 - 73] --- {56 - 66} --- /49 - 58/...
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    Which Virtual Private Server Company is the best

    Hey. I am looking to switch my hosting package which is on a shared server to a virtual private server. I read some reviews but I want to get your opinions as well. Any suggestions on the best company to go with for a Virtual Private Server??? Thanks
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    what does pinged mean?

    I was looking around the marketplace and everyone says "when posting your url to a site it will be pinged".... what does that mean and how does it work?
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    squeeze page maker

    Hey, I have no design skills at all so I am looking to purchase a squeeze page. Any recommendations of good squeeze page generators?
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    can google ban you for using to many coupons?

    Hey I was just wondering would google ban me if I just kept using these $100 coupons you can buy off this forum and others? I don't see why I would pay $100 for adwords to google when I can pay $5 to some one selling a coupon. There has to be a catch.
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    Ubot Studio

    Hey what are some of the things that affiliate marketers use Ubot for? What is it most helpful with in AM?
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    PPPCBully worth paying for or Free toolbar enough?

    Hey I was just wondering if any of you guys use PPCBully and if you actually pay for it or get what you need out of the free toolbar? I can't really tell a difference.
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    Google ads wont show... tried everything

    Hey, For the life of me, I cannot get my ads to run. They were running smoothly and all of the sudden at 376 clicks they stopped. My budget is fine, my max cpc bid is fine, my quality score is fine, my landing page is good. I can't figure out what it is. My ads follow all of the rules. Google...