Search results

  1. JPJedi

    Phone Cards needed.

    I have a domain when I want to sell some pre-paid phone cards. Where would be a good place to get the actual cards? Currently I have the domain is all that has been done. I was doing a random search and it was available so I grab it. Should I try and find a wholesaler or just stick with...
  2. JPJedi

    Is this good for Blogging?

    I was introduced to this morning by a friend and said I could possibly use it for my blogging. I was wondering if anyone else uses this service and what they all think. And how well it intergrates with wordpress.
  3. JPJedi

    Review my site

    So what do you all think? I have a little to work on with the content for example like the main page but I am looking into some content writers now so I can get some good content on the site. But in general with the structure and everything else how does it fair? url: www [.] gasyell [.]...
  4. JPJedi

    Need Custom Content Writer

    I am in need of some content for some pages of mine. Please pm me with refrences and rate or post here. Looking probably for 2-3/500-600 words, Thanks
  5. JPJedi

    Wordpress with Analytics

    I have setup a new domain that will be a blog only that will be wordpress. So I installed wordpress in the root directory. Is there a good way or a plugin that anyone knows for word press to hook in google analytics? or can I just edit the template and add the code myself? Thanks
  6. JPJedi

    Premium .com vs .net

    ? - I just looked up a domain, for example, and godaddy came back with saying that was a premium domain for $500.00 to register. Yet the is available for 9.99....... It said it was a premium because it was common prhase If the .com is a premium wouldn't the .net be as well? Is...
  7. JPJedi

    Need SEO Review

    Anyone do monthly or bi-monthly maintanance work for SEO on sites? I have basic knowledge of SEO but want a new site I am releasing done right. If this is something you might be able to help with please post packages or pm. This is for a newly released site and could possibly roll over...
  8. JPJedi

    How to: Mask Affiliate Link

    Ok can someone take 2 -3 minutes and lend me a hand on masking my ugly affiliate link? I found a code snippet but I can't tell what to do with it cause the instructions were unclear. I know I basically want to send the link that people see to another page and then just do an auto-redirect...
  9. JPJedi

    Neverblue Tracking this past weekend

    Anyone notice anything weird this past weekend with Neverblue and its tracking? Before I go crazy I thought I would ask here. I had some conversions this past Thursday and then Friday - today I have no conversions but I do still see impressions and then also the time average for people on the...
  10. JPJedi


    Should I register a domain like. or I am wondering if google will reconize one over the other as better. Any advice?
  11. JPJedi

    HTML Question

    I have a question with making a website and databases. Basically you know with youtube how you can select the textbox next to a video and get the embed html code needed to put it on your site. Well I am trying to make a site with that same feature. my problem is the site does not like the...
  12. JPJedi

    Any reviews of Mochila or Simply Hired

    I was updating a friends site this morning and while i was in the control panel and under content for GoDaddy I saw some new $$$ sharing apps called mochila and Simply Hired. Any advice on these? good or bad.. I am more intregued by what I can do with these new services but wanted to...
  13. JPJedi

    Directories 101

    Ok I have read a lot about some of you all having directories. Are they worth your time. I think I have a niche for two directories. 1. What directory software is out there? Any you all would recommend or affiliates for? 2. Once the initial setup do the directorues run themselves? I...
  14. JPJedi

    How should I format the site

    I have a domain that follows a certain type of current events. I am trying to decide what I want to do with the domain. I have a few option and I wanted to run them by you all and see which one you think would be the best to try. 1. Blog only site - Just a blog with ad's 2. Main Page...
  15. JPJedi

    Need Logo Design

    Anyone doing any work design with logo's? I need one and maybe an Icon if possible for starters and then maybe 3 more logo's after. But I need the one now so PM details and examples of work if you can do it. JP Jedi
  16. JPJedi

    Review Site and Advice on Forum

    Ok I am trying some new features out with this new site niche. What would you all recommend for it and for me to get the forum going on it? Should I pay someone to make some post? Do you all think that this niche is good enough for a forum on it? Also I guess I should register the site with...
  17. JPJedi

    Getting Images for Free ?

    Issue: I am trying to get jpg's or other image format files of covers of comic books. I would like them to be thumbnail in size but that is the least of the worries. I am just trying to get the images. And as many as I can. What I have done so far is this. I tried to go to each individual...
  18. JPJedi

    Rates for projects

    How do you all figure up your rates on projects that people want you to work on. Cause some like to know the hourly rate and some like to know it by the project. I think I have put myself in a corner cause I was looking at possibly doing a project and I used MS Project to plan it out and...
  19. JPJedi

    Has the Cali Fires been profitable

    Is anyone doing any affiliate sites / niche sites for teh Cali Fires? Has it been profitable for you? If so can you share the site (I would like to look) and some of your techniques that made the site work. You don't have to give everything but I am jsut interested in some general stuff...
  20. JPJedi

    Cali Fires

    Is anyone being affected by the fires that have been on the news in California? I am on the East coast so I was wondering how everyone was doing out there and if it is as bad as the news is making it out to be. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.