Search results

  1. HustlinHard

    I have a staff programmer, do you have a project?

    Okay so here's the deal. I decided to take a PHP & MySQL course at my college as one of the electives I require, and as I was talking to the prof after class, a girl walked up looking for a business programming project to do. Turned out she's in another course where they have to complete some...
  2. HustlinHard

    Going on a BOAT with 4 dudes and 15 girls -- Ideas?

    I'm leaving in about 4-5 hours to a house boat at Shuswop Lake, Vancouver cats will be familiar with this location. The best part of this whole thing is our boat will have 4 dudes and 15 girls! I'm trying to come up with some fun activities that'll get everyone (the girls) in a fun party...
  3. HustlinHard

    Great Value | Flawless College-Level Content | Industry Experience

    Hey guys! Some of you may already know me, as I've been around the forum for quite some time and have at least some level of experience in almost every aspect of IM/AM, with differing levels of success of course ;D For those that don't know me, I'm 24-years-old and technically in my fourth...
  4. HustlinHard

    No William Kehl.. You are NOT doing it right

    BCc =/= Cc What more can I say..
  5. HustlinHard

    Should I eliminate the PC+Laptop for a Laptop+Dock+Monitors?

    Recently I've been considering upgrading my PC and/or Laptop, and I have a small dilemma. Basically I have 2 choices: 1. completely replace my PC+laptop combo by purchasing a powerful laptop and using it with some sort of a docking station and monitors when I'm at home. The laptops I was...
  6. HustlinHard

    Need a Unique (Usable) Business Card Design

    So I need to get a new set of business cards and I was looking to grab them from Vistaprint because of their awesome deals. One thing I'm not too fond of is there designs, which seem pretty bland and cheesy for the most part. I was looking at their option to upload my own completed design...
  7. HustlinHard

    Cop cars exploding + anarchy in downtown Toronto

    Anyone see this on the news? I'm in Vancouver and it's breaking news right now, not exactly sure of the details yet but there's riots going on in downtown Toronto. There seems to be hundreds of cops spread throughout several blocks, but there's literally areas with a crapload of people just...
  8. HustlinHard

    How to match customers to leads (via subid)?

    So right now I'm building a WP site which will be offering a free service, in exchange the user signing up for a specific affiliate offer under me. My dilemma is in trying to figure out what the best way to track who completes the lead, so that I can provide them with my service in exchange...
  9. HustlinHard

    How do I change my server root directory (.htaccess)

    So basically what I'm trying to do is modify my .htaccess so that my main site's base folder is in a subfolder of public_html just like my addon domains. Something like this: Now this would be very simple if I just wanted to do a redirect, but I don't want the URL of the browser to show a...
  10. HustlinHard

    Worth getting a permanent VPN?

    So, pretty simple, I'm considering purchasing a VPN to use as a permanent layer of security. Basically I would just make it an automatic connection on my laptop so as to not reveal my ip/identity, and also prevent security breaches, Is this a good idea? Does a VPN provide any significant...
  11. HustlinHard

    Vancouver to San Diego Roadtrip, Leaving at 4am

    So me and my buddy decided to take one last trip before it's time to hit the books again, and California was the logical choice. Time is going to be pretty limited because we are only going for 8 days (Sat-Sat). This will be my first time in Cali so if there's anything you guys recommend we...
  12. HustlinHard

    Why do you blog?

    So I've been dabbling with the idea of starting a long term blog as one of my projects. I have a few questions about it from the folks who have one already. Why did you launch it? (build a network of contacts? advertise your products? tracking your progress? etc..) How much work do you put...
  13. HustlinHard

    I need an external harddrive, which one do i choose?

    so basically I'm looking for an external hard drive to use as storage. I'm pretty certain I'd like a 1TB but I am clueless when it comes to all the brands and their quality. I've been looking through newegg and I notice they have quite a few great deals (under $100 USD), from various brands...
  14. HustlinHard

    Would getting diagnosed with ADD prevent certain careers?

    So, I've thought about seeing a doctor regarding ADD/ADHD for a while now, but have always been hesitant. The reason is because I'm that the diagnosis would negatively affect me in terms of career opportunities. I know that I could be so much more productive and my overall effectiveness would...
  15. HustlinHard

    XBOX 360 vs PS3??

    Pretty simple questions, which one do you prefer and why? I'm grabbing one of them, right now I'm leaning more towards XBOX 360, since the games are better, and I've actually read that contrary to popular belief the video card/graphics are better than PS3's. For those that have, or are...
  16. HustlinHard

    How do you organize your entire business (and life)??

    Okay so basically for the past few days I've been on sort of a reinstall and rearrange everything mission. I've completely reinstalled windows, tried to organize all my files and folders by groups/labels, etc.. in attempt to make tracking everything much easier. But one thing I notice, is as...
  17. HustlinHard

    How long until manual review of campaigns?

    So basically I want to launch some campaigns using direct linking and just modifying the keyword destination urls. Haven't tried this before, never really done direct link period, always used an LP. So my question, actually I have two. First, will this way of direct link with google give me a...
  18. HustlinHard

    Choosing a PPC offer - High Comp/High Pot. or Low Comp/Low Pot.?

    So I'm in a bit of a dilemma here. I've dabbled in PPC a little bit before, promoting Baby Products, but as soon as my money ran out, I basically gave up, or should I say got caught in the cycle of constantly starting new things. This time I just want to start this thing the proper way and...
  19. HustlinHard

    Problem installing MySQL

    Hey guys, I'm trying to install MySQL and PHP on my computer, but I'm having some issues. I downloaded the mysql-essential-5.0.51a-win32 from the mysql website and ran the installer but I get an error once it finishes and tries to start the config. The error is as follows: "The application...