Search results

  1. G

    Describing your work to dates, hot chicks etc.

    How do you guys describe your work if you are e.g. on a date or when talking to a hot chick? I just say something like "I have my own marketing business. Mainly Internet Marketing and I sell stuff online, I have some web shops" without trying to sound like I brag about it of course. At all...
  2. G

    Enhanced Cheney picture reveals what was really reflected in his glasses

    Exploring the mystery behind the reflection in Dick Cheney's glasses - Vox
  3. G

    Remove referrer

    I always thought redirecting visitors would show the redirect page as referrer. E.g.: it would show redirect.php instead of the page containing the link to the redirect script. But I was surprised (and I felt like a n00b) to see that the actual referrer is the page containing the redirect link...
  4. G

    Which resolution do you design for?

    I have always designed such that websites would be as usable at 800x600 as at 1024x768. I am now considering designing for 1024, while still keeping websites ususable at 800x600 but sacrificing some comfort at this lower resolution. It gives quite a bit more horizontal space, allowing the...